Thursday, September 13, 2012

To the Single Moms I Know...and Everyone Else Too!

Scrolling through my Facebook feed just a few minutes ago, something struck me and I'm sure it's no coincidence. Three single moms I don't know very fact, mostly through FB...each posted something to their timelines this evening.

On my feed, their appeared consecutively:

"Everything in life happens for a reason...Ba Hum Bug"

"Life keeps throwing punches...and I'm a little punch drunk". :(

"Sometimes the smallest issues can BE the BIGGEST ones...Do you ever feel like you need a miracle, I do! God, been asking for a long me understand."

As I said, I don't know these ladies well. In fact, of the three, I've only seen one since we moved to Kentucky six years ago and I haven't interacted with her in about three years now. But I see a lot of similarity...maybe you see it too. Yes, their use of my favorite punctuation...the obvious, but aside from that...what do you hear.

I hear pain. I hear doubt. I hear worry. I hear stress. But sadly, I hear a longing to share it with someone...anyone that will care. I do wonder if they've shared their burdens with a friend. I pray they have people who love them, are surrounding them, uplifting them and encouraging them. Knowing how our culture has closed itself off though, my guess (and purely a guess) is that it is somehow "easier" to send this pain out into the great unknown of FB than to share it with a community that will strengthen, challenge and mostly, surround them with love.

I don't judge these ladies. We've all done it. Well, at least those of us with FB or blogs have. But tonight, I'm asking you...yeah, YOU...the one anonymously reading this blog to say a prayer for these ladies you may never meet this side of Heaven. And if you don't feel comfortable doing that, ask the Holy Spirit to bring to mind a single mom that you personally know. I am confident in a nanosecond you will have had one or possibly many more come to mind.

Don't get me wrong...I know we all have pain. We all have low times (my blog is testimony to mine!) and we all have doubts or worries too. My sadness is compounded when single moms have to carry these burdens alone. Yes, I know with God they are never alone...but He did also command us to live in community and carry one another's burdens. When one is weak, the stronger ones are to walk beside and support them.

So please, say a prayer of love, encouragement and support for these ladies and the ladies you know. Pray the Holy Spirit will bring people into their lives who will love them the way God loves them.

And if you're one of the ladies who happen to have been quoted above, I do apologize for stealing your words tonight. Please know that you are loved with a boundless love that will never fail. Also, thank you for the privilege of calling upon the Name of your Abba on your behalf tonight. I am honored to be your sister in Christ!


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