Saturday, August 18, 2012

You Should Watch This Movie

I'll warn you right up front that if you have delicate sensibilities, you will be offended. But yes, I'm telling you that you should still watch this movie.

This rated-R biopic starring Gerard Butler is based on the real life story of Sam Childers, a former drug dealer who has led a team of people that have saved and cared for thousands of children, mostly orphans, in southern Sudan. This is the area of East Africa that has been haunted and terrorized by Joseph Koni and the LRA for several decades. You don't have to research very long on the internet to find a list of atrocities perpetrated by Koni and his army.

Yes, there are prolific F-bombs and even some mild sexual content (no bare body parts!) but if you've ever wondered if God can use this movie and you will no longer doubt. This man is far from perfect, but he's a sinner saved by grace just like we all are. The movie is raw and difficult to watch at times because of this flawed human being...but that's exactly why you should watch it. You see, just because he was dunked in a baptistry one time, he didn't come up out of the water and never fail again. The movie doesn't gloss over Childer's failings and for a person that doesn't like it when I's tough to watch someone else who messes up too.

But I'm glad I did watch the movie. It's a reminder that God can take anyone...and I mean anyone...and transform their journey into something beautiful...a journey that goes from destroying lives to saving them.

If you'd like to know more about Sam Childers, you can check out his website at

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