Friday, September 28, 2012

A Pocket Full of Jewells

This week I had the delightful treat of caring for a 2+ month old for four days. Now, I'm not one inclined to just take on extra kids for more than the occasional sleepover or a few hours playtime. But someone in need asked if I'd consider it, she's a single mom, and the late-in-life-but-your-ovaries-are-still-beckoning-to-you part of me thought "Why not?" I am beyond thrilled that we did it and here's a few lessons (aka jewels) I learned (or remembered) about the world of babydom:

  • Some little girls are just natural mommys. Our 9 year old Leah, not only arose from bed early every morning to see Jewell...she could not get enough of playing with, feeding or just watching her. Being the youngest, she's never been around such a tiny baby for any significant length of time. Let's just say that every whimper, every whine and absolutely every cry this baby made was felt deeply by our compassionate, merciful, caregiver, Leah. If she thinks someone's in pain...she is there ready to hold the bucket while you puke or the bandage while you bleed. This is the one that will either have a boatload of kids or will step into a role God has for her that will serve even more!
  • Even some baby girls are natural mommys. It was my day to serve in childcare at Bible study yesterday, and in the toddler room there were about two or three toddlers that just couldn't help themselves...they had to see Jewell...a few of them even lingered, longingly looking at her. While I didn't let any of them touch, pull on or hold little girl, while I was rocking the baby, just ran up with super swift feet...patted Jewell on the bottom gently...and just as quickly, ran away. She had her baby fix, I guess.
  • Everyone deserves a chance to cuddle and coo with a baby every once in awhile. No matter what is going on in your life...about 20 minutes of holding a baby that hums and sings while they drink their bottle or smiles at the most random comments...just has a way of nourishing your spirit.
  • Life slows down when you have a baby to care for. The great thing Holy Spirit reminded me early Monday morning is that life is just slower with a baby. I usually wake up with a head overflowing with expectations of the things I want to accomplish for the day. But right from the get go on Monday, God was faithful to remind me to relax, take it easy, let go of those expectations and just enjoy the slow pace. Sure, some chores didn't get done and some schoolwork was bypassed, but some of that happens around here anyway. No expectations means no stress and therefore, no resentment over piled up laundry or whatever. Shoot...I remember the days when my kids where babies that just getting out of my pajamas for the day was a huge event. Now, I stay in my pajamas any chance I get!
  • God did not intend for old women to have babies. I spoke truthfully when I said watching Jewell was a delight and that I was thrilled to do it. But being 44 years old and caring for a small baby does have one down side...achy muscles. No, she doesn't weigh much and she was no problem...rather it's the car seat and other paraphernalia you have to take with you that causes the shoulder and neck strain. God bless moms of young kids! I don't know how I did it. I just know I did it with a younger body!
  • Even when you think you have nothing to do! A recurrent theme of struggle for me has been lack of finances often makes me sad over perceived lack of opportunity to give. Wrong! When Momma asked if I could help, Holy Spirit quickly affirmed to me that this was something I could well...and actually had experience and confidence in doing. So take it from someone who's been there (and still occasionally goes back "there") don't ever believe the enemy's lie that you don't have anything to give to someone in need. Instead...ask God what He's already given you that you can share.
Baby Jewell is pretty sweet and everyone in our family had some form of positive interaction with her this week. What a blessing to even hear my 14 year old boy laugh at her smiles and check on her to see if she's sleeping. It's good for my kids to step outside of themselves and focus on another for a few days.

And just in case you still haven't thought of anything you have to offer someone in need....once again, you'd be wrong. Momma and Jewell are still looking for a more permanent childcare situation and it's going to take God's provision to do it. So you can pray! Pray for God to lead, God to prepare and God to provide. I can claim confidently that He will do it because He's the God Who Will See To It (Jehovah Jireh). But also, I know this Momma's heart is to serve God and He will always provide what she needs exactly when she needs it. Most of all though, God cares for this precious Jewell and He has great plans for her. As her Abba, He'll be certain to get her to the place to fulfill that plan and He'll be with her every step of the way.


Saturday, September 22, 2012

For the First Time

I occasionally receive comments to blog posts from people I do not know and will probably never meet this side of Heaven. The diversity of the lifestyles by these readers thrills me to no end! It is absolutely one of my deepest joys to know that God used His words through me to speak to someone's heart.

Tonight, I've had a first though...a prayer request from an anonymous reader. I don't normally post requests from someone I do not know or with whom I've not at least had some e-mail or other correspondence. I did publish the request to the post that the comment was made, but I have a feeling the person that took the time to ask, probably wanted to know that others would be offering up the request too.

After first hesitating to repost it, my subsequent thought was...who am I to judge if someone needs prayer...then someone needs prayer. After all, that's why we're here isn't it? So although I don't know the author by anything other than their blogger moniker of Rocky2, here is their request and I do praise God that someone felt comfortable enough to ask.

"Praying for you all. Here is my request. Lord bless. A Christian minister with a broken heart asks for prayer for his only child - a wayward daughter on the West Coast of the US who's been living with an older man. On Sep. 24th she is having surgery to save her life from what appears to be cancer. PLEASE PLEASE pray that Jolene will survive and finally be drawn to Jesus! (The same minister has an aneurysm near his heart that needs a healing miracle.)"

You amaze me at how Your Spirit leads us to one another when we need it. And right now, I pray for the one whose heart desires what is best for Jolene. Jolene needs you...desperately! She needs your healing touch...first for her soul and then, also her body. We know it is Your will than none would perish and I confidently claim that we know You are drawing Jolene to You. The minister who is parent to Jolene sounds burdened beyond their own strength. I praise You that they do not have to carry this burden at all. I thank You that they can heave it into Your open arms. Lord, the minister needs healing as well...of body and heart. We know You are capable of all these things we ask. I also pray Lord that over the coming days Your Holy Spirit will remind me of Jolene and her parent. I pray that when You bring them to mind I will once again call upon You confidently on their behalf. I am humbled and awed at the opportunity to pray for them and I pray for the faithfulness to do so when You ask. I love You Lord and I am thrilled to be Your child. I pray that same relationship and even more for Jolene.
All praise, honor and glory to You alone! Amen!

"How Then Can Man Understand his Way?"

I know my Abba gave me a wonderful gift yesterday and the thing that delights me even more, is His Spirit helped me to recognize it as a gift right away!

In Jesus Calling, there was a scripture reference that became instantly dear to me...Proverbs 20:24:

"Man's steps are ordained by the LORD,
How then can man understand his way?" (NASB)

At first glance, I thought, "Well, of course I can't understand His way!" But then He caused my eyes to fall upon that word again and I realized it was not His...but his. In Bible lingo, this indicates it is not referring to God. While it is true that I can't possibly understand His way (capital letter always being indicative of God) and I've accepted this for many years, I do still attempt to figure Him out far too often. No...Solomon (the author of Proverbs) is emphasizing that there is no conceivable possibility that I can ever understand his way. My way

My way...the path I am on for this journey called life...I cannot begin to understand it. I certainly try. I analyze everything to death. There is no way I can italicize, emphasize, bold or underscore enough just how much energy I waste trying to figure out which "way" I should go.

And even though sometimes I think I have it all figured this morning when I'm pulling into a parking lot to start a new part-time weekend job...when I've spent the evening and morning planning for every possibility and covering all the bases for my kids to be home for a long day all by themselves...yep, you guessed it...I happen to be one of five people sent home because they don't need me today. And, they probably won't for a few more weeks at best.

So there you have way. The way I think I'm headed...might not be His way after all. Even when I resign myself to the fact that I'm willing to make the best of what by worldly standards seems to be the right choice for our family...He steps me a nudge and gets me back on His ordained path. To top it all off He sent us a love note in the form of an unexpected blessing...just in case I was wondering if this morning's events had been "my way" or not.

While it pains my nature to admit it...I absolutely cannot begin to figure out where He is taking me. I'll probably still waste precious energy trying to determine what's ahead. My hope and my prayer is that this proverb becomes embedded in my soul.

As a Jesus follower, God has ordained my steps. The only thing I need to understand is that this life should be lived His way!


Our Fifth Single Moms' Night Out

We had a small group last night...but still lots of fun with the kiddos we were blessed to play with for a few hours. B-I-N-G-O, as usual, was the highlight of the evening. It amuses me how much little prizes excite a child!

Thanks to all of the Firm Foundation Co-op people that helped out in some way: Kim Bular, Dawn Fay, Marie Bryant, Julie Mayer, Michelle Eppinghoff, Kari Mulderink, Michelle O'Dwyer, Amy Santen and anyone else I may have neglected. It is possible that I missed someone, because weekly I had people bringing donations to me faster than I could keep track of. You're a great group of loving, caring and sharing home schoolers. We are blessed to serve and live in community beside you!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

A New Phase

I'm not only very excited to start a new Beth Moore study today...I'm not just ecstatic that it happens to be a study of one of my favorite books of the Bible that has most impacted me in the last few years...I'm beyond words at the privilege of doing a study for the first time with my daughter, Abbey.

I can't honestly say that she's as excited as I am and truth be told, I didn't give her a whole lot of choice about doing this. I don't plan on nagging her to get the homework done each week though. Her level of participation is up to her. I just know that a room full of Jesus followers, breaking open His living Word together, led by a Holy Spirit filled speaker is a life-altering experience. And Abbey already has a God-gifted heart of compassion, mercy, and love and a desire to serve God in some capacity at home or abroad. This is the perfect study for her to begin what I hope will be a lifetime of pursuing God through His Word.

So I'm entering a new phase fact, I've noticed it's been creeping up on me for a few's a phase where I not only have the honor of having four great kids, but I am blessed to begin to think of them in terms of my sisters and brother in Christ.


Mentioned in this post:

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

"Why are you persecuting ME?"

You don't have to be a Jesus follower long to know there is a history of persecuting His disciples. The New Testament is replete with examples of followers of "the Way" who were being flogged, jailed, and stoned because of their refusal to deny that Jesus was the one, true Messiah...God in human flesh who lived, died and rose again. But there's only one story that I know of in the Bible that gives you the perspective of a persecutor...the story of Saul.

As I've begun to study the life of this man, later known as Paul, a few things have struck me differently than I'd originally remembered. God's Word (the Bible) is alive (see Hebrews 4:12) and one reading to the next, God's Spirit will use it to teach me new things. Today in (Acts 9:1-19), it wasn't exactly a new idea...just one word that stabbed through me into a place I don't journey often...the persecution of Christians.

I've lived my whole life in mid-America, sometimes called the upper part of "the Bible belt". My small town upbringing didn't lend itself toward opposition, let alone persecution, for being a Christian. Today, some Americans are overly concerned that taking prayer out of public schools or the Ten Commandments off the courthouse walls is the beginning to the end of our religious freedom...a freedom on which this country was founded. And their concern may be warranted.

But whenever Christians here get all bent out of shape over what may or may not my mind I always think..."Well, at least you're not being shot for your faith...yet." It's a very real possibility in many nations around the All I had to do was google "countries that persecute Christians" and 537,000 sites popped up in 0.32 seconds. The one I clicked on even has a map that shows exactly where this occurs.

So today, when I read this passage I was thankful God's Spirit spoke this little word to my heart...ME. I'm not certain of the exact timing of Saul/Paul's conversion on the road to Damascus, but we do know that Jesus died, was buried, was resurrected and was seen by hundreds of followers for 40 days. Many other details are related in Acts before the Damascus Road encounter between Jesus and Saul/Paul, so I think it's safe to assume this could be many months after Jesus had ascended to Heaven and the Holy Spirit had begun to dwell in His followers. But note what Jesus says: "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?"

Not...My followers...My disciples...My friends...My loved, it was Me. When I read the passage this morning, probably for the fiftieth time or more, Holy Spirit put one of those ideas in my head that was instantly complete...but very difficult to put into words...human words. Bear with me, I'll do my best (with His help, of course!)

You see, Jesus told us if you feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick or imprisoned that it's the same as doing it to Him. He also told us that if you don't do any of these it's the same as neglecting service to Him. (see Matthew 25:34-41) Based on the encounter with Saul/Paul, is it safe to assume or is it too big of a leap to infer that when our Christian brothers and sisters are left hungry, naked, sick or imprisoned because of their faith in Him there is some sort of "spiritual transference" where Jesus actually takes upon Himself their persecution? What comes to mind instantly is that He did take upon all of the sin ever to exist in the world when He died on the cross. But in that way that I can't exactly wrap my brain around...He is still taking it upon Himself as it happens. I'm sure there's probably a Biblical reference or commentary somewhere that would explain this better...but I can almost visualize the tortured prisoner with the faint outline of Jesus (the same as an artist might depict an angel or spirit) hovering over His child and shielding him or her from the full onslaught of evil all around them.

Can this be why the apostles "rejoiced that they had been considered worthy to suffer shame for His name." (see Acts 5:40-42) Is this how thousands of Jesus followers throughout history have gone singing to their deaths. Is this the reason why even today in China...despite sometimes brutal persecution...hundreds of people are turning to Jesus every single day?

When Jesus is the one taking the persecution onto Himself, yes, of course the physical ramifications are borne out on the human flesh...but are we not taught in scripture that this is just a temporary shell that we occupy until the New Earth and our bodies are completely perfected? Paul...yes, the same Saul/Paul that used to persecute Christians...later calls the persecutions that happen to him "light and momentary troubles". Unfortunately, we only see with human eyes. What I had the pleasure of being reminded of today is that what really matters...our spiritual souls...remain untouched. Jesus personally sees to it that the persecuted soul is unblemished. He is the one that bears the scars. The bodies we leave behind may show some scars...but the soul will be refined and perfected just like gold in the fire.

Does that get your heart pumping? It did mine! I do not currently live in a place or time when I have to face persecution...but some day I may. It could be a very real reality for my children or grandchildren. Whether it is or not, this I matter what the forces of evil concoct for our mortal frames...Jesus will see to it that the soul of His beloved is safe. Amen!

I'm going to add just one more thing. Because this blog goes out to "the great unknown" and because I see daily that it is read by people all over the world and because sometimes the countries listed are ones where persecution is active and even rampant...I feel obligated to the one that may read this that knows all too well about what I write, it is my desire to share in your sufferings through prayer and petition on behalf of the Abba who knows you by name. You are not anonymous to Him! You are not forgotten! You are loved with a passionate, furious, boundless love that seals you and jealously keeps you for His own! And one day you will stand before Him and He will tell the story of how you remained faithful throughout and even despite your pain. That is a story I can't wait to hear! Until then, my hope is that I will be more attuned to God's Spirit so I will be reminded more frequently to pray for you and my brothers and sisters around the world who need to know the encouragement, the comfort and feel the close Presence of the One in whose Name they suffer.


Thursday, September 13, 2012

To the Single Moms I Know...and Everyone Else Too!

Scrolling through my Facebook feed just a few minutes ago, something struck me and I'm sure it's no coincidence. Three single moms I don't know very fact, mostly through FB...each posted something to their timelines this evening.

On my feed, their appeared consecutively:

"Everything in life happens for a reason...Ba Hum Bug"

"Life keeps throwing punches...and I'm a little punch drunk". :(

"Sometimes the smallest issues can BE the BIGGEST ones...Do you ever feel like you need a miracle, I do! God, been asking for a long me understand."

As I said, I don't know these ladies well. In fact, of the three, I've only seen one since we moved to Kentucky six years ago and I haven't interacted with her in about three years now. But I see a lot of similarity...maybe you see it too. Yes, their use of my favorite punctuation...the obvious, but aside from that...what do you hear.

I hear pain. I hear doubt. I hear worry. I hear stress. But sadly, I hear a longing to share it with someone...anyone that will care. I do wonder if they've shared their burdens with a friend. I pray they have people who love them, are surrounding them, uplifting them and encouraging them. Knowing how our culture has closed itself off though, my guess (and purely a guess) is that it is somehow "easier" to send this pain out into the great unknown of FB than to share it with a community that will strengthen, challenge and mostly, surround them with love.

I don't judge these ladies. We've all done it. Well, at least those of us with FB or blogs have. But tonight, I'm asking you...yeah, YOU...the one anonymously reading this blog to say a prayer for these ladies you may never meet this side of Heaven. And if you don't feel comfortable doing that, ask the Holy Spirit to bring to mind a single mom that you personally know. I am confident in a nanosecond you will have had one or possibly many more come to mind.

Don't get me wrong...I know we all have pain. We all have low times (my blog is testimony to mine!) and we all have doubts or worries too. My sadness is compounded when single moms have to carry these burdens alone. Yes, I know with God they are never alone...but He did also command us to live in community and carry one another's burdens. When one is weak, the stronger ones are to walk beside and support them.

So please, say a prayer of love, encouragement and support for these ladies and the ladies you know. Pray the Holy Spirit will bring people into their lives who will love them the way God loves them.

And if you're one of the ladies who happen to have been quoted above, I do apologize for stealing your words tonight. Please know that you are loved with a boundless love that will never fail. Also, thank you for the privilege of calling upon the Name of your Abba on your behalf tonight. I am honored to be your sister in Christ!


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dying a Little Death

A passage I read today in Philippians 3 reminded me of something I heard a speaker say several years ago: "Every day we die a little death." [I considered titling this post "I'm Dying" but I didn't want to be sensationalistic just to get readers to click on my blog.]

Verses 8-11 really hit me though. The devotional on the life of Paul wasn't headed down the same line of thought that I was. That's one thing I love about reading scripture and asking the Holy Spirit to lead. I could follow the author's train of thought and still find some meaning in it...but His lesson for me was specific to what I needed to hear.

In verses 8 and 9, Paul is reminding the Philippians that his heritage, his education, his training and experience are all "rubbish" (verse 8) compared with what he gains in his relationship with Christ. And what he really wants to know is "the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death." (verse 10).

Really? Have I ever asked God to let me know and even fellowship with Him in His sufferings?

I was reminded of a conversation I had right after tax season ended this year. I told my friend, Kari, that I looked forward to the time when I'm not working because then I'm more dependent upon God and am drawn closer to Him and even see Him do more in my life...that would be only by this same power displayed at the resurrection. Looking back, I know this is when the attack on my fears, doubts and worries began. My enemy used my insecurities to distract me from dependence upon the Holy Spirit.

But when a few weeks ago He refocused my heart and my mind on Him and even "put to death" my fears, doubts and worries that's when I began to see His power at work again. I'm certain the Holy Spirit was always working, but because I didn't die to my fears, etc., I couldn't see Him.

Do you remember that there were Roman soldiers at the tomb when the stone rolled away? Yet, we are never told that their lives were transformed. I have to ask myself, what were they not willing to die to in order to witness the true power of the resurrection? Was it pride? Fear of being fired, or even killed for losing a dead corpse and leaving their post? Was it belief in the republic over the person? (Yep, that one is appropriate to ask ourselves in this election season!) Whatever the reason, the power of the resurrection was right before their eyes...and yet, they missed it.

Processing through this, I had to ask...what do I need to allow Him to put to death so that I can witness the power of His resurrection? If this sounds foreign to you, maybe you haven't yet learned that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is the same Holy Spirit power that lives inside you as a Jesus follower.

Following logical thought then (which is just how my brain works):  at least in our culture here in the U.S., why do we not experience His power more often? Why aren't miracles happening frequently? Why aren't the numbers of Jesus followers being added daily as they were in the church described in Acts? Why aren't amazing things being done in the name of Jesus all over this country that only confound and astound and draw to Jesus those who don't already know Him?

If Paul's logical train of thought is true...maybe we have some dying to do.



Today in Psalm 102:27, I read:

"But You are the same,
And Your years will not come to an end." (NASB)

In this version the phrase "the same" had an alternate translation. It was just one word..."He".

Read that and soak it in. "But You are He." Isn't it awesomely awesome to serve a God that needs no description? He's just "He".

There was no beginning, there will be no end. Everything that we understand "He" to mean and more than we can ever imagine...all of that and, believe it or not, even more is what "He" embodies. Our finite human brains can't even completely process all that this little two-letter word encompasses. Such a small word...but an adventure of a lifetime discovering the depth, the length and the breadth of all that "He" is.

And one day...praise His Name...we will understand what it meant for Him to be "He". When we stand before Him...complete...and even naked and unashamed (at least emotionally and spiritually)..."He" will embody absolutely everything we need and more.

So here's the question: Why wait until then to plum the depths of who "He" is? 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Indian Healing Clay

I don't often promote products with this blog, but I feel remiss not sharing this one. Now, I'm not a connoisseur of clay products so I can't do a comparative analysis, but what this product advertises it will does...and more. I purchased it on with just a little skepticism, but from the first usage have been greatly impressed with how well it works.

Just one tablespoon of this Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay Deep Pore Cleansing, 16 Ounce combined with one tablespoon of Bragg - Apple Cider Vinegar, 32 oz liquid (which is a raw product that I need to review in a separate post), slop it on your face for 15 minutes and you not only have a clay that draws impurities from deep within your also get a mini-chemical peel that over consecutive usage (only once a week) reduces the size of pores. works!

Be forewarned though, if you have a lot of impurities below the surface of the skin, you will experience some blemishes a day or so after using. The cider does make the mask tingle and you may experience some redness after washing off the mask. But you can begin with only five minutes and gradually increase the length of time each week it should become tolerable. The only complaint I have is not's from my kids...the vinegar smells.

The package says you'll only get 10-15 facials with the one pound jar, which is the one I purchased. I've been using this weekly since April and still have about half a jar left. Additional uses are listed such as applying to bug bites and that's finally why I decided to write this post and promote the product. I'd tried it on the occasional mosquito bites I've had this summer, but about two weeks ago I stood outside for almost three hours chatting with friends one night and came home with 52 bug bites. You read that right...52. Sometimes, I don't react well to bites. Apparently,  it sets off an allergic reaction. Then, I have more than your normal amount of swelling at the site of the bite and they can almost appear to be infected. This was one of those times.

24 hours after I received the bites, I was miserable and constantly itching and scratching with no relief. I decided to give the clay a try and pretty much coated my legs, using only water to mix it instead of the vinegar. I slept with it on (which I learned the next day I really didn't need to do) and had relief to get through the night. I washed it off the next morning and  I experienced no itching until late afternoon. I applied the clay to my legs again and had instant relief. This time I washed it off after about an hour.

Now here's the interesting thing and I apologize if this is too much information...but the clay literally pulled the venom to the surface of the bites, which hardened (yes, it was crusty and clear) and as it dried I was able to wipe, scratch or rub it off. I was fine for the next almost 24 hours and that night did decide to try Benedryl, but that was more because I didn't want to clean clay out my sheets. The next day, after just a little over 72 hours, I had absolutely no more itching.

I'm certain the Benedryl assisted, but I still attribute most of my relief to the Aztec Indian Healing Clay. Why? Because my daughter and friends with whom I had been chatting for so long were still itching four days later and they had a significantly fewer number of bites than I did.

The link I've provided above is for the one pound jar which I purchased. The one below is for the two pound which is a much better bargain. If you're in the market for a product like this, check it out. At about $8.00 for up to 20 or so facial mask, plus an itch relief product, I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a better deal!

Mentioned in this post:

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Archived Prayer Requests for May 2012

In an attempt to remember God's faithfulness, I always archive prayer requests from previous months. These are those we presented on the blog for the month of May 2012.

5/31/12: Mom of 2 is being baptized next week. Pray for her as she is affirming her new life in Jesus!

5/22/12: Mom of 1 has child support hearing with child's father  on June 18th. He is contesting the amount he is in arrears. The discrepancy is in part due to childcare expenses. Please pray for mom's peace and for the judge to fairly and accurately assess the situation, plus enforce mom's right to the money that is owed to her child. Update 6/18/12: Mom of 1 will have to return to court 7/31/12 unless she is willing to accept less child support. Update 8/2/12: see praise update

5/6/12: Please be in prayer for our Single Moms' Night Out event scheduled for Friday, May 18th. We have several new families participating and we're excited to begin new relationships with these families. 5/18/12: Our fourth SMNO went well. We had 5 children no-show, yet still had 7 attend. Along with 5 teen helpers and another mom to assist, God more than amply provided volunteers and donations for pizza. He is always faithful!

5/4/12: Mom of 4 is experiencing a long delay for divorce to be finalized. This puts plans for residence and enrolling her children in a new school on hold for most of the summer. Please pray for her peace and for God to put everything together for His glory. Pray that fears and doubts will not assail her and for God to protect her from the enemy's fiery arrows. 6/12/12: Even in the midst of the storm, God's Presence continues to provide peace. Please continue to pray. 

Prayer Requests and Updates

Here's the link to our Prayer Requests and Needs Page

Thank you for continuing to pray for those who often feel like they have no voice. Every need represents a mom, her children and those with whom she comes in contact every day. The ripples of your prayers do have eternal effect. I am humbled by what God does when His people pray.


Friday, September 7, 2012

Special Requests for a Mom We Know

Sometimes God blesses us with an opportunity to be His hands and feet for someone that has carried a heavy load down a road they never dreamed they'd trod and it's been so long that the end seems out of reach. I know a mom in the midst of battles on many fronts. I do not know her well, but I've seen enough to know she gracefully, faithfully serves others without much thought for herself...and right now, she needs you...the brother or sister who shares her faith in Jesus to intercede for her. When God brings this mom of four to mind, would you please pray as His Spirit leads you?

I always attempt to be as anonymous as possible and although this lady has given me permission to share her requests, some of what I post may hint at who she is. If you know her, love her or even are fortunate enough to call her friend...if the Holy Spirit leads you to do something for all means obey Him. But I am asking that unless He directs you to the contrary...please give anonymously and out of love. I can confidently share that she will be grateful and thankful to the One who led you to give. She will also be blessed to have you first and foremost call upon our God's assistance on her behalf.

  • Thinking that her divorce would be finalized today, she discovered that only a motion to file for the final date was being submitted. She had to rearrange work schedules, etc. to accommodate a trial that did not take place.
  • She needs the divorce to finalize so that access to financial assistance from her ex will be available to her. She has severe financial difficulties that need taken care of soon.
  • She has never pursued child support for her oldest child, but is in desperate need of it now. Please pray that the process toward receiving the support will be swift.
  • She has recently put her youngest three children in public school for the first time, and they have adjusted well from being home schooled. Although, they have been having some bouts of illness which the doctor has forewarned may occur often this first year in school.
  • Mom has returned to school as well and had to miss class today to stay home with the sick children. She's excited to be in school working toward a degree, but juggling work, school, the kid's homework, daily life and her volunteer schedule leaves little time for her to unwind. Moms need downtime to be rejuvenated, refueled and find direction and love from their Abba.
  • Because she's returned to school, she interested in finding a laptop. Cost is the prohibitive factor. She currently only has a desktop PC in an open space shared with the family. For example, this makes it difficult to complete a test she'll miss this Tuesday that the professor has graciously agreed to post online. Taking a test with three elementary aged kids running around is not ideal. Any leads on discounted refurbished laptops would be great.
  • Finally, and most urgently, on Tuesday between 9 and noon (EDT), please pray for her ex's sentencing hearing. This has been a long, arduous, bitter road but God has been faithful to provide her with peace, confidence, wisdom and love. Please pray that she will feel a special outpouring of His Holy Spirit. She will have to testify against her spouse and will be with him in the same room for the first time in over a year. Mom is also praying that the sentence to be served will be long enough to protect her young children until they reach adulthood. Pray she will allow God's Spirit to remind her that she is only responsible for speaking the truth and not how her ex or his family may respond to it.
Thank you, prayer warrior! Even as you've read over this list, I am confident that God's Spirit has been interceding on behalf of this family. When our words fail...He speaks for us with groans and utterances we cannot express. (see Romans 8:26)


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Don't Ever Forget

As I've continued my study through the book of Isaiah, I've learned much and I'm not really sure that I like all of what I've learned. The judgments are pretty tough to read and this evening though was a bit of a "mixed bag" of emotions over something I read in Isaiah 17. According to my New American Standard Bible which is an Inductive Study Bible version, Chapters 13 through 23 of Isaiah are primarily "oracles against various nations". This, I was prepared for.

But what I found tucked in verses 4-17 left me more than a little sad. Verse four starts with these words:

     "Now in that day the glory of Jacob will fade"

Why, you may ask?

     "For you have forgotten the God of your salvation" (verse 10)

As I continued to read, I could "feel" the sadness come over me. After a few repetitions subconsciously, I realized I was repeating silently, "LORD, may I never forget. LORD, may I never forget." I continued to repeat this a few more times and understood that this was the Holy Spirit...not this moment...grieving for those who have forgotten their God of salvation...grieving for the times when I also forget...and praying for me, because sometimes I don't know how to pray, imploring Him to always help me remember (see Romans 8:26) keep the God of my salvation at the forefront of my memory and thus, all that I do and say.

This, in and of itself, was a blessing to experience...but my God is amazing and sometimes He gives me a "two-fer". What's a "two-fer"? That's a two fer one lesson of the day. Okay, so maybe it's not two separate lessons, but rather two different ways to say the same thing. Here's what I mean.

Immediately following this, and upon opening up a new Beth Moore devotional I've started on the life of Paul, I needed only start with the first words to see where this was going:

"Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them be a symbol on your forehead. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." (see Deuteronomy 6:4-9)

Verse four is what in Judaism is known as The Shema. "Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One." This is uttered repeatedly throughout prayer services. It's spoken aloud every morning and this passage in Deuteronomy has the key for never forgetting...'bind them to your hand and your forehead'. This is the ancient practice of wearing phylacteries...those little black "boxes" you see Jewish men wearing when they pray. As an extremely devout Jew, Paul would have undoubtedly bound one containing passages from the Torah (as they all did) within the cube and wound the leather straps precisely seven times around his left arm. The other cube was bound in the center of his forehead. 

If you read the Deuteronomy passage above, you may recognize the oft-quoted verse seven that reminded the people of Israel to speak the law, the promise, essentially the Torah to their children as they sat, walked, lie down and rose up. In other words, all the time.

The Beth Moore quote that jumped up and smacked me is this: "You see, a thirteen-year-old Hebrew boy could not even get out of bed in the morning without remembering to whom he belonged. As he wound the straps of the phylacteries around his head and arm, he was reminded of his binding relationship to his Creator." As I read this, God's Spirit reminded me that as I pray for and with my children daily, one of my heart's greatest desires is that they would know they are a child of the King and that they are loved beyond measure. But my inconsistency to teach them His Word, is not encouraging their hearts to know these truths and run with them. 

I admit it, sometime in this past year, for the sake of saving time, we dropped our Bible reading from our school day ritual and I assigned each of the kids to read their own devotional books. I believe God can use those times of being alone with Him to speak to their hearts. Honestly though, I haven't even been consistent lately about reminding them to read their devotions, nor have I followed up to see if they've completed it. Yes...shame on me. Today, as I sat processing through the grief of those who've forgotten in Whom they find salvation and being myself reminded how to never forget, this is what I sensed being spoken to my heart: 
"There is nothing more important in any day that you can teach your children than My Love...My Word...for them."

I speak to the kids often of God's ways. I try, and have noticed it's becoming more frequent and easier, to tie in everything we do to spiritual lessons on faith, love, patience and so much more. I'm reminded today that these are mostly my words. The best words I can share with them are not mine...but His.

So that's my challenge for the days, weeks, months and yes, years ahead. No, I will not make my children start wearing phylacteries...but I will begin again to daily read a portion of Scripture with them. In fact, the timing is perfect as Abbey and I begin Beth Moore's study of James in a few weeks...the book of the Bible that opened my eyes to the plight of the poor and God's command to serve them. What wonderful lessons await our family as the kids and I read through this book in the New Testament together verse by verse? I can't wait to find out. One thing I we read His Story together...we won't forget in Whom we are saved!


Saturday, September 1, 2012

August 2012 Financial Statement

Here's the link to the latest Financial Statement for Boundless Ministries. As always, God is faithful!


Midnight in Paris

Okay, so we don't see too many first-run movies anymore, you're stuck with my review on this one. Admittedly, I only watched it because Abbey (16) wanted to see it. Why did she want to see it? Well, because Loki is in it of course! [For you non-super hero movie watchers, that's Tom Hiddleston of Thor, which is free on Netflix streaming right now!]

And it's a Woody Allen film too. I've never been one to fervently wait with baited-breath for the next Allen film, but the one's I have seen, I've always enjoyed. [Purple Rose of Cairo, Annie Hall, A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy, Scoop and another one we watched in my college Film Censorship class for which I can't recall the name.]

Now the thing I've noticed about Allen's films is that in some scenes the actors appear to be improvising. I'm not a film critic, nor an Allen aficionado, so I'm guessing that it has something to do with his method of directing. If I had to describe the effect, it's almost as if the action is unfolding before the camera for the first time. It's just not as fluid as you'd expect from memorized lines, scenes rehearsed and heavy-handed editing. In Midnight in Paris, I noticed it most with scenes involving Owen Wilson, Rachel McAdams and the two actors playing her parents (Mimi Kennedy, formerly of  TV's Dharma and Greg is one)

Whether you like this about Allen or not, here's the thing I enjoyed about the film...the message. I hope this isn't a spoiler, but what I took away from this is that every generation has geniuses, amazing artists, poets, authors, philosophers, and intellectuals. Yet, there will always be those that pine for an era long gone by which is deemed "The Golden Age for______________" (fill in the blank) When we can be content with our present and awaken to the possibilities held within in each day, our own era may even be "golden".

Mentioned in this post: