Friday, July 6, 2012

Thankful For What I CAN Do

I shared this idea with a friend a week or so ago, and as God's working with me in my "down" time, thankfulness has been a recurring theme in Jesus Calling. I know what He's trying to say to me...I even spoke it out loud to my friend...and I am consciously aware that He is reminding me to do it more often...thus, I am choosing to be thankful.

One of my huge pitfalls is overcoming this idea that somehow I can't do enough in the midst of my poverty. Over the few weeks, God's been trying to get my focus off of what I can't do and to be thankful for what I can. I can:  pray; give my time; write a blog; study my Bible; try to spend more time with my husband and kids; get off of the computer more; meet with friends and chat; go to church and hear encouraging sermons; bake and craft to raise funds for missions trips or to support us; and consciously thank Him...more and more everyday for all that He has given us. Truly...we Americans are so spoiled!

So if you're struggling with the frustration of not having enough of time or money for your bills or good health...join me in this experiment He's showing me...thank Him for what we can or do have...instead of focusing on what we can't or don't.


1 comment:

  1. Honestly...a little frustrated when this highlighting thing happens. This one's definitely a issue. Ugh!
    Hopefully, the message gets through even through the distraction.
