Thursday, January 8, 2015

You Never Know What a Little LOVE Will Do

My friend, Jennifer, recently wrote a blog post about how impacting three little words were in her life. I never dreamed how meaningful this would be to Jennifer when I began signing my emails to her this way, I only knew how deeply I had felt them a handful of years earlier.

You see, I had a wonderful Pastor during a deeply dark time in my life that signed his emails this way: You are loved. I admit now that it was a jolt to my disappointed and non-trusting heart. I mean, what man signs his emails to female congregants this way?

A man who every week during his sermons told hundreds of people that they will always be Loved, Accepted, and Forgiven...that's who?

I sat on those three words in the years to come, longing to share them with someone who deeply needed them as much as I had. Jennifer was the first, and then the Holy Spirit reminded me that everyone should know that You are loved.

Letters of "business" or formal information don't receive this sign off from me, but when I feel I know you well enough to receive it with the Spirit in which it is given, I say "good bye" with the precious reminder that was given to me all those years ago.

I'd love to be inside someone's head the first time they see these three words from me. It's interesting to see friends reply with what I am sure are honest and heartfelt phrases like "Love you lots," "Love you too," or just "Love, (insert name here). Sometimes I want to poke my head through the screen and say, "No! It's not I who loves you...well, I do, but that's beside the are loved. Because you are loved by the Creator of the Universe and His Son who died for you and His Spirit that resides in you...You are loved."

Do we get this?? I mean really get it?

I pray we do, and Pope Francis reminded me why this morning:  "For if we have received the love which restores meaning to our lives, how can we fail to share it with others?"-- The Joy of the Gospel

There is a "Love Trail" so to speak. There are a lot of tributaries that have flown into my path along the way, helping to fill me up with God's gracious Love until it overflows. But on this little stream, I was blessed to pour life-pumping Love into Jennifer because my Pastor had poured it into me, and someday I hope to meet and thank the ones who poured Love into him.

But ultimately, I know where the Love Trail leads...all the way back to a cross that should have been mine. The steaming blood that cascaded down the splinter-ridden beams has never stopped flowing. Don't be the dam that holds back the reservoir. It was never intended to be contained or controlled. Let the Love overwhelm you and overflow out of you. You just never know what a difference three little words can make.

And by the way...

You are loved.


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