Tuesday, August 14, 2012

It's the Little Things

I hope I don't get in trouble for boring the image above, but when I looked for a Google image under "little things" this one came up with the tag "God of the little things"...and I really liked that.

He is the God of the little things, isn't He? Take us and where we are right now for example. He knows our needs, our wants, our desires and even that right now mostly what we're focused on are the needs and one by one He takes care of them. I've whined so much about issues with seeing the "big picture" lately, that I need to just stop and thank Him for the little things. What I often fail to remember is that all of those little things do add up to the "big picture".


As I've shared recently that I'm just going to praise Him and hang on no matter what, He has quietly, faithfully and even in a timely manner, taken care of exactly what we need on exactly the day we need it. When I wonder if we'll have milk by the weekend, He sends not one...but two different friends with some almond milks that they "just can't use anymore". When I grow concerned that we won't have any fresh produce on hand (which is really more of a preference for healthy eating rather than an actual need!) and will be eating out of cans and boxes...here comes a friend with some tomatoes, cucumbers and squash to share from her own garden and we volunteer at Henry Hosea house "coincidentally" when they have a lot of tomatoes and green peppers to give away. Probably the one that hit me the most...a coworker of Dale's, that makes no claim to faith "happens" to give us a bunch of sweet, juicy peaches from a tree in her backyard. Yes...God can even move the hearts of those that don't claim to know Him when He has a need to meet.

Another blessing is a family we've known that is moving away this week offers to give us some of their frozen foods they can't pack with them. Guess what? They just "happen" to eat a mostly vegan diet (like I attempt to do) and what she was offering was several packages of meat substitutes that we could definitely use.

I'm afraid that I have to confess that I've been so busy looking for the big picture or more accurately the big lesson in my latest struggle that I've selfishly neglected the numerous blessings along the way. The blessings that have mattered most have not even been the tangible ones...it's been the reinforcement of treasured Scriptures just when I need them...it's been the quiet Voice of the One who holds me reassuring me that He has not left...it's been 2 1/2 good weeks of home schooling where I don't feel like I've been battling the kids every day...it's the reminder from my Abba that He is not the author of the confusion and doubt and that I need to battle the one that is hurling those arrows at me...it's also the friend who quietly, compassionately listened as I had a little meltdown and lovingly assured me that I'm not whining but instead affirmed that I'm under attack...and it's an amazing God who gave me a vivid, what-could-have-been-horrifying dream last night where absolutely my worst fear of a potential tragedy was playing out. How is that a blessing? Because the dream didn't end until He had proven that He is faithful and will continue to take care of us even if my worst fear does become reality.

So instead of waking up in a cold sweat, I peacefully woke up at 4:48 this morning with a line from a song we sang Sunday morning ringing through my head: "He makes all things work together for our good." Praise His Name! I continued to doze off and on for the next two hours with that song running through my head with every waking thought...I have a feeling it consumed my sleeping thoughts too!

And there it is...all of the little things that add up to the "big picture" or "big lesson"...He will continue to be faithful...He will continue to hold us up by His righteous right hand...With His Sovereign hand upon me, everything that comes at me can be used for my good and His glory...There will be an end to these troubles some day and they are "light and momentary" when compared to an eternity with Him...but mostly,,,well...He's just God...and that's enough for me.


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