Friday, August 31, 2012

What Word to Use?

Right now, I'm reminded of a Sara Groves song where she sings, "So many words to say, but I'm opting for silence." I never want to be silent about who God is or what He has done, but it's truly...that

How do you thank or describe a God that even in the midst of your worry, doubt and fear gives you the faith to cling onto Him and not let go?

How do you thank a God who gives you the determination to recommit to setting aside a portion of any blessings that He gives you...not just monetary, but other blessings too...even if it means things will be tighter than is comfortable?

How do you describe a God that challenges you to commit to asking Him to hear Him and that you'll obey as soon as you do?

How do you describe a God who gives you blessing after blessing in the last month to reinforce the faith He's already given you?

And can you fathom a God that asks you to do something, gives you the courage despite your circumstances to commit to obeying Him, plus has a sense of humor to know that you wouldn't have opportunity to obey until the following day and yet keeps you distracted long enough to miss going to the mail that day to see that He'd already sent you a blessing equal to more than six times what you'd already promised Him you would give?

If none of this makes sense, I also proves my point that words fail. So what Word would I use? Just one...


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