Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Conspirator

Last night, while half of our family went to Winter Jam (a Christian music event) and my oldest revived her introvert-self alone and my youngest satisfied her extrovert-self by playing with the neighbor kids, I had some time to myself to watch a movie that I chose. The added bonus was that I didn't have to wait until everyone was in bed because it was PG-13!

I selected a movie about history. This is no surprise if you know me. We have a trial month of Amazon Prime, so I picked a Robert Redford directed movie, starring James McAvoy that I thought looked interesting.

I'm not giving away any spoilers because this could be found if you looked for it...or maybe not. It seems that Mary Surratt was arrested, tried and convicted of conspiring to kill President Abraham Lincoln all without any of the legalities that we now take for granted. It was a time of war, yes, but in the Union's desire for a speedy conviction, witnesses were threatened with treason, evidence proving her innocence was ignored and she was not even given a trial before a jury of her peers.

This isn't action-packed, but it is well acted, well directed and you'll probably learn something you never read in your history textbook too.

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