Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Schoolin' on the River

Yesterday was our first day of school. Since the weekend had been emotional and busy, I was grateful for our opportunity to "do school" on the Ohio River yesterday...on one of the Queen City Riverboats to be precise.

River Reach run by the Foundation for Ohio River Education, was a superb program that taught these 4th through 12th graders about conservation, preservation and the uses of this massive body of water we all use everyday.

The curriculum consisted of elements of geography, geology, environmental science, biology, and more. The students rotated through different exercises that included a scavenger hunt and identifying critters taken from the River.

All I know...is that this Mama that's had a bit of an emotionally draining week, was thrilled to have thorough, well-trained, and engaging educators teach my three students for the day, while I had the amazing blessing of viewing this for 3+ hours.

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