Sunday, November 16, 2014

American Addict: A Movie Review

American Addict the movie

Okay. What you need to know up front is that this is not a bunch of hippies trying to convince you to eat organic. If you were to tally the number of years spent in higher education by the interviewees of this documentary, I am certain it would be a total worthy of your attention.

Every American should watch this movie.

Did you just read that? I said every American.

We all want to complain about socialized medicine and how we just keep getting sicker and sicker...but here is the proof as to why. The doctors, psychiatrists, addiction therapists, lawyers, drug reps, and researchers that collectively shed light on the tragic state of our medical system have one common thread throughout the film: There is something tragically wrong when a government agency, charged with being the "watchdog" for an industry is itself mostly funded by the industry they are supposed to watch. 

That's just the tip of the billion-dollar iceberg.

Are you aware that in the U.S., we are only 5% of the world's population, yet we consume over 80% of the anti-psychotic drugs in the world?

Are you aware that we are one of only three developed nations that allow direct-to-consumer advertising? Those E.D., low T, and other like commercials that pervade my football viewing aren't only embarrassing with my son by my side...but if I lived in almost any other country in the world...they would be illegal too.

Are you aware that when a new drug comes out for a new "disease", there is a direct correlation in the increased diagnosis of that "disease"? (i.e. Restless Leg Syndrome)

Are you aware that the number four highest cause of deaths in the U.S. is adverse drug reactions? Yet, Ebola deserves a banner on my Facebook feed after one death and a handful of infections. How about a fundraiser to sue the pants off of the companies that are killing us and causing more health problems as they supposedly fix the ones we have.

Are you aware that to be prescribed an over-the-counter drug that has been FDA approved for a specific disease, let's say schizophrenia, and is used for anything else, let's say situational depression, is called off-labeling...and is illegal?! Yet up to 50% of anti-psychotic drugs that are prescribed in our country are for just such a purpose.

I struggled with whether to post this review or not because I know we all get very up in arms about our doctors and our medicines. But today, when an article popped up in my Facebook feed that states Robin Williams had been prescribed an anti-psychotic medication for his depression and it was known to have suicidal tendencies as a side effect...I felt compelled to speak up.

We have to stop abdicating all control for our health to someone else...even our physicians. The recommendations made in this film are spot on. Be aware of possible side effects; ask if there is an older, less prone to side effect medication that will accomplish the same purpose; and always ask your physician if the drug you are being given has been FDA approved for the diagnosis you have received.

The most profound take-away for me from this film was what one psychiatrist poignantly said about what it means to be "human". We will at times be sad. We will at times have pain. [For an example of what life looks without these, watch the movie or read the book The Giver.] This doctor points out that some of the medications we are being prescribed are to curtail our pain and remove all inconveniences that make us who we are and begs us to ask the question Why are we here?

I may not know much, but I do know my purpose isn't to remain anesthetized and emotionally disengaged with humanity. Watch the movie, currently available on Amazon Prime and I'd love to hear what you think.

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