Wednesday, August 25, 2010


It can't have been but just last night or the night before that I fell asleep praying that I would trust God to provide. I have been a "little" worried about paying the rent on time & not completely depleting all our funds. I knew we had enough, but it would be very close & there's a whole list of things that we've put on hold for a little while (contacts, etc.) AND we've been extra careful.

So I knew we were okay, but cutting it MUCH closer than I would like. I think my final thoughts on this concern were "Well, as long as we have shelter, food, & clothes on our back, does it really matter how much money we have in the bank?"

THEN the mail came today...I'm almost overwhelmed at the thought of how the Holy Spirit puts this all together. I cannot BEGIN to express the peace, joy, and utter amazement at my God. HE IS FAITHFUL! And I'm thankful for the ones who faithfully listen to Him.

Funny, I just remembered that the verses I read to the kids this morning was Phil. 4:2-7 "And in everything, by prayer and petition, present your requests to God and the peace that trancends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." We talked about not being anxious & thanking God even in the midst of the storm. Now we get to follow up tonight on how faithful He is to provide and address our anxious concerns, sometimes even BEFORE we've thought to pray about them.

Feeling very blessed today!

1 comment:

  1. Just had a minute to visit your blog... He IS faithful!
