Sunday, January 2, 2011

Am I a Fasting Failure??

Yes, once again...I failed! I SO wanted to continue this fast (with juicing, of course) but after 2 1/2 days, I caved.

Why? Well obviously, hunger. But hunger is supposed to be the cue that reminds you to turn back to Holy Spirit for strength and to pursue clarity on the issues over which you are fasting. I even told myself ahead of time that if I became too hungry or weak that I'd eat raw fruits & veggies instead. I am doggedly determined to eventually do this though. So what can I learn from this attempt?

Number one that Jesus didn't just have supernatural help from God's Spirit during His 40 day fast...but Jesus was also very smart. He got away. Yes, it was to the wilderness and He did without water too, but the distractions of everyday living were one thing that derailed me.

Jesus didn't have to fix breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday for 4 children that seem to never stop eating. They're not content with simple, bland foods so that Mom doesn't have to cook, smell and thus be tempted by what they're eating.

Jesus also didn't fast during the biggest feasting season of the year. What was I thinking? A cell group dinner, in-laws coming into town (& wanting to eat at a BBQ place no less!) & New Year's Eve all combined to thwart my attempts. I stuck to my no meat policy, but some cheese & dairy snuck in simply because I was so hungry.

Jesus didn't live in a society that was bombarded by food cues. He didn't watch TV at 9 p.m. & see Taco bell advertising "the 4th meal" that's available every night until 2 a.m. He didn't drive down the street to the grocery and pass 2 ice cream places, 4 pizza places, Mexican, Thai, and Chinese restaurants and 5 fast food places.

Lastly, He didn't have to walk into a grocery store (to get ingredients for juicing + shopping for the family) and be assaulted by some many odors that He had no choice but to salivate.

I know I'm being petty! And I know it sounds like I'm taking away from what the Holy Spirit helped Jesus accomplish with His 40 day fast. I also remember that it was after the fast the Satan came to Him at His weakest and tempted Him. I'm just trying to point out that our culture sets us up for food failure from day one.

I recently watched a documentary called "Killer at Large" where someone stated that just by living in the U.S., you almost don't have a choice but to be overweight and we need to quit telling people they should just have more discipline and self-control. That only exacerbates the problem by heaping on guilt for something over which they have little control (Advertising, restaurants everywhere, food even in gas stations & coffee shops in book stores are some examples. This doesn't even include what's been done to our food to alter it.)

So Jesus was wise. He got away...secluded Himself with The Father and sought sustenance from the only One that can truly fill us. So what appears to be my failure just proves once again that Jesus is the best example we have to follow. Hmmm? Imagine that!

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