Monday, June 27, 2011

Things That Make You Go...Hmmm?

I know I'm dating myself with this title. But I can't help it! God sometimes does 'Things That Make You Go...Hmmm?'

For instance, this past weekend we knew we needed to take a short trip for a family event, but even $75 for gas for us is a huge expense. While I didn't fret over this, I knew God would have to provide the money or the gas...and He did!

The second "thing" was that our youngest turns 8 tomorrow. This little girl probably has no memory of a mom and dad that aren't stressed out for one reason or another...either because of extended family strife, a move to another state, financial devastation...the list could go on and on. No wonder, we realized a few years ago, she's sometimes an emotionally volatile child. Even as a newborn, her screams with her pain from reflux where enough to throw me over the edge. Then the too frequent times that the world has come crashing down around us have left her with a mom that sometimes could not meet her emotional needs. All of our children have gone through this, but she's the one that probably doesn't remember a life before stress.

She's also the most compassionate, sharing and giving child that we have. They all have their strengths, but two weeks ago when I couldn't go for our turn to the nursing home because of what I now think was a migraine (my first ever), she's the one that wanted to go and trotted out to the car with her little friend excited for a chance to go serve at the nursing home. I even had a new friend that taught her in a missions/world geography class last year at co-op confirm that she had seen the same thing. She said, 'I don't know why I'm drawn to Leah, but I feel like there's a life of missionary work in her future.'

All of this to say, that while every mother wants to make her child feel special, this "baby of the family" needed a little extra attention this year in my mind. Yet, circumstances being what they are, I was becoming concerned that I wouldn't be able to make that happen.

So last week, I prayed, "God, just as You did for Noah in May, please provide enough money to buy her a present and to do something fun for her birthday...either a dinner out or a cheap movie...just something to make the day special." Then as I processed through this request over the last few days, I began to feel at peace that even if we didn't have the money, I could make her day special at home...we could decorate (something we don't usually do!) and surprise her, bake a cake, have a special dinner and make some crafts, play games, etc. I knew I couldn't just have a full-blown party for her though because first, the weather has been so unpredictably yucky we couldn't have a swim party and our place isn't big enough to have a bunch of little girls and all of their moms and siblings hanging out. Plus, honestly...parties cost too much to put on.

I know...grumble, grumble...focus on the good in things instead!

And that's what I tried to do by formulating a backup plan for having a special day at home with the family and it all centering around her! Then God went and did it again! Yep! He wowed me!

Someone recently came up to me, handed me some money and said, 'We know you like to give gifts to the singles and stuff...but we'd like you to take out the kids for lunch with this.' I'll admit, I was a little confused and caught off-guard so I didn't completely process what was taking place. A little later when I was thanking the other part of this "team", their reply was, "Well, we just thought you might like to take Leah out for her birthday or something."

Truly, it's taken me until this morning to process exactly how God put this together. Did I post something about this and the person felt led to provide? I don't remember doing that. In fact, I don't even think I told Dale I was asking God to provide. It seems so low on the scale of "needs" that I didn't want to worry him about it. But God knew our little girl needed a fun day.'s not going to be some big expensive party and in comparison to the lives of others it may seem small...but to this little girl whose eyes beam with passion, laughter and excitement at any attention she receives it will be H-U-G-E!

And the best part, this morning around our table, I got to tell our kids "Once again, God provided for us." Wow! These kids are getting a first-hand opportunity to see that He cares for us and is providing for our needs and sometimes our little wants too! What better gift could I pass on to them than the knowledge that their Daddy (Abba) in Heaven LOVES them?!

Why does this make me go Hmmm??? Read my previous post! How could I doubt that an Abba that would put together even this little detail would let us fall when He calls us to LEAP?! He won't! And I think that's one more thing I can "hang my faith on"!


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