Friday, January 6, 2012

Starting a New "Act"

Last night, my oldest daughter, Abbey and I attended an orientation for ushering at the Aronoff Center in Cincinnati. We both love theatre, especially musical theatre, so this is a perfect fit. We're thankful to our friend, Sara, for getting the information to us so we could get the process started!

Volunteering doesn't always have to be "work". It can be fun too! We're looking forward to seeing great shows and performances (for free!) while Abbey also gets the irreplaceable experience of providing customer service to the patrons. This is going to look great on a resume' someday.

And although this "technically" isn't focused solely on serving single moms...there will be ample opportunity to provide service to others. At the same time, I'll be supporting my daughter in her passion, learning great lessons along with her about serving outside of ourselves and having some amazing mother/daughter time in the process.

It's a show-stopper no matter how you look at it!

First up on our program: a Broadway on tour production of Billy Elliot in January and Cincinnati Ballet's production of Carmen in February.

Click here for more information about upcoming events at the Aronoff Center

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