Friday, December 21, 2012

Not Many of These Left

No, I think there are plenty of TARDIS replicas left to be made. What I'm referring to are days like yesterday. I know my Abba is gracing me with the gift of realization so I will appreciate them while they last. An afternoon filled with Leah decorating cookies with her friends and sitting down with my 17 year old to make some graham cracker TARDIS's had my blood pumping with contentment and joy.

You see, at 17, I know my days of fun, Christmasy activities with my eldest are limited. It makes me sad, but I know it's the "circle of life" kind of thing. And we'd hit a rough patch recently, so for her to set it all aside and come to the table with the graciousness, dignity and creativity that I've come to expect from my Abbey made it even more fun.

Truth be told, life for Leah has been a little stressful too, so seeing her barely able to contain her excitement at sharing something fun with her friends was pretty amazing.

So thanks, Abba! I know all four of them are Yours...but I'm going to enjoy every moment we have left as much as I can!

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