Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Deception

I was having coffee with my friend, Kari, about a week ago, when I mentioned something that I was learning from James. One phrase jumped out at her and since she pointed it's stuck with me and I can't let it go: "Do not be deceived, my brethren..."

When she asked, "Does it really say that?" I I should probably pay pretty close attention to what James was saying, shouldn't I?

I tried to google an image for this post, but when I just put the word "deception" in google images, it mostly pulled up movie posters and political portraits. There were also a lot of conspiracy theory icons and I don't relish being added to any "subversive" watchlists so I think I'd better steer clear of those. I don't mind being subversive and to err on the side of God's kingdom over man's...I just don't want to have my name written down because of a conspiracy theory.

The point is, we're all aware of or have lived through multiple deceptions in our lives...either personal, national (think Watergate or Clinton/Lewinsky) or global. We may even sometimes feel like truth is hard to find. Have you seen The Matrix?

But after Kari asked me that simple question and I thought about it even more, I've been zeroing in on this idea that I know the Holy Spirit has been refining in me for a long time now...there is actually this con game going on that we're all a part of and it's been the longest running con of all time. In fact, it started right after time began and the perpetrator is so adept at running this con...filling our lives with nothing but smoke and mirrors...that we don't even realize we're being conned.

So what's the con?

In the segment I'm referring to, James has a lot to say about our misappropriation to God for the problems we have (see James 1:13-15). God gets blamed a lot for the evil in this world that is simply not His fault. But I think the even bigger deception is this: "Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow." (James 1:16-17)

Maybe James was warning us not to be deceived into believing that God tempts us and causes the bad in our lives. But I have truly come to believe that the deeper deception is that somehow we think we ourselves are responsible for the good in our lives. If you've never approached this idea before...I am thrilled to be the first to tell're not!

Your job, your educational opportunities, your nice neighborhood, your stuff, your money, your family, your health, your joy, your peace, your happiness, your very breath...not one of these came from you to begin with. Nope...if it's a good came from God alone. And if there's anything bad in any of these then don't blame that's the work of our enemy and the depravity of lust, sin and death in this world.

If James used such strong language as "Do not be deceived", I think he wanted us to pay attention. Why?

I can only speak from my own experience and I know first hand that when I think the good comes from something I've done, then I begin to believe that I somehow deserve the good...and when it's gone, either I did something wrong and I'm being punished or I'll just be angry because I arrogantly feel like I'm being mistreated and things are unfair.

But...when I realize that all of the good comes directly from God...I quickly see that the blessings far outweigh the negative. Don't believe me? Then stop right now and make a list of all of the bodily processes that have to work cohesively just for you to be able to sit upright and read this sentence without falling over dead. Get my point? We're not even including the ability to read which more than half of the globe can't do!

I have to confess though that I believe the most beautiful part of verse 17 may actually lie in it's last nine words: "with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow". God is so consistently good and unchangingly always the best Giver of gifts that since the beginning of time He's been giving them...and He doesn't plan on stopping anytime soon!

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