Monday, July 26, 2010

How Dare You!

I once heard Tony Compolo tell a story about speaking to a women's group & they started by asking him to pray for money for some project they wanted to give to. Apparently, he says, he wasn't in a good mood that day! He said something like, 'No, I won't! I won't pray for it because together we probably already have it. Here...I'll empty out my wallet (he adds it was a good thing he only had a 20 on him that day!) and we'll go through one by one, empty our wallets and see how much we collect.'

He had the musician play and made the ladies file row by row past the altar and empty out their wallets. He said by the time they were done, they had MORE than the amount they had wanted him to pray for (and adds that he knows some of the old ladies were holding out on him!). Then he got back up in front of them and said, 'How dare you! How dare you ask God for what He has already given you!'

This came home to me recently. I'd asked for people to help us by donating for the picnic. Actually, that was me not trusting the Holy Spirit to do His work.
As I looked around our home, I saw the stacks of paper plates & cups that I've stocked up on with coupons, the rolls of paper towel (that can be used for napkins) that my mom had already given us & last week, Dale's mom sent some money for us (so that has covered the shelter rental & will pay for the pizza!).

How DARE I ask for the Holy Spirit to provide, when He ALREADY has! I pray that I remember this lesson! It's a good one!

Holy Spirit, You are active and living in me. I thank You for Your supernatural guidance and supernatural provision. You even intercede for me when I don't know how to pray! Thank You for bringing deep joy and encouragement to my life. I am thankful for a God that is so active in my life that He provides even BEFORE I ask for it. Amen!

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