Monday, July 19, 2010

Worry is in my DNA

I come from a super-worrier. If there was an Olympic medal for worry, my mom would have won 3 Olympics running (maybe more!).

I tell myself I'm not worrying, but in truth, I am! So what do I do about it. Re-reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan reminded me that both worry AND stress REEK of arrogance. I KNOW the Holy Spirit whispered to my heart about 2 years ago the simple word...humility. And I have had a painful, drawn-out lesson trying to learn it. But I can't be arrogant AND humble at the same time...can I?

Worry & stress BOTH imply that my problems are somehow MORE than God (the Creator of the Universe by the way!) can handle. Francis Chan's thought, not mine...but nevertheless...TRUE!

Wouldn't living a life free from worry and stress be absolutely amazing???!!!

Holy Spirit, protect my heart from worry. I KNOW You have a supernatural plan for our family. I KNOW You're writing a MUCH better story than I had been. I KNOW that You'll protect, lead, guide, provide and mostly LOVE us through ANYTHING that comes our way. There ARE days that one more thing feels like it will send me over the edge. Help me on those days to remember to not let myself be pushed over the edge...but rather to LEAP over the edge into Your sturdy arms and just wait in excited anticipation of the deliverance that only YOU can bring! You are an amazing God and I am so blessed to know You! Amen!

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