Friday, July 23, 2010

More Boot Camp with James

"What use is it, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but he has no works? Can that faith save him?" (James 2:14) In my Inductive Study Bible, this verse has a cross-reference to James 1:22, "But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers that delude themselves." And this verse has a reference that goes back to Luke 5:46 where Jesus said, "Why do you call Me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?"


I have allowed myself to be deluded for too long! And I watched last night as my 14 year old presented her case to me for a cell phone. And all I could think was, "Oh Lord, I've allowed her to become deluded as well!" I can't just pat myself on the back & think how great we've been to hold out this long. She & only one other friend have parents that are the last hold outs against cell phones. She even wants to start some type of "job" to pay for it.

Why does my teenager need the pressure of a monthly bill while people all over the world are starving?? I have recently been thinking of getting rid of OUR cell phones. My biggest use for it is as a watch. I don't text, don't even have e-mail set up on it & RARELY use it. So we made a deal. She can have mine for one month. She has to pay all text fees, if she goes over our minutes, she'll have to pay for those. And I'm going to encourage her to really pray and take notice of how much she really NEEDS this. I personally don't think I'll miss my phone. If my kids need me, I'm usually somewhere that has a phone & can be paged or w/someone else that has a phone. If at the end of this month, I haven't needed it, I think mine & Dale's will be cancelled & she can get her own prepaid phone. This is a good trial run for us both!

I can't believe how we have ALL bought into this NEED thing. I made the point that Dale & I grew up w/o them & survived (I know, I sound like SUCH a parent!). Dale said, "Well, our parents could come back with, 'we grew up without TV and survived!'" I said, 'yeah, what's your point? We TOTALLY don't need that either!'

This isn't intended to bash anyone or be negative about the choices that people make. I just can't BELIEVE how deluded I've been. When my NEEDS are stretching the budget thin & cause me stress about how to pay for them, or keep me from being able to give to others that can't buy food or clothing...that stands as a direct contradiction to the life that Jesus called us to!

I know, enough ranting. I just want to be used by Holy Spirit in the way He first created me to be...and I am believing with more and more of my heart daily that it doesn't include all of these gadgets and comforts that I've told myself for so long I need!

Holy Spirit, help me be a DOER of Your Word...not a hearer that is deluded! Amen!

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