Friday, March 4, 2011

Follow Up On Some Blessings

Received a word of thanks from my friend that we gave the McD's gift card to. Seems Holy Spirit's timing was yet again...perfect. Just when she was tired, here came a little love note from Him to say, "I appreciate what you're doing for these kids."

And today, I was able to pass along one of the gas gift cards we'd received to a single mom I know. This lady has to drive a lot each week. And she has so many people placing so many demands on her time that I know she's in survival mode. Yet, Holy Spirit wanted her to be able to fill up her gas tank a couple of times without worrying about where the money would come from. And I was blessed to be a part of it.

I pray that no one ever think that I share these things with a heart of pride. I don't even know why I've felt led to let these last few ladies know that we've been the conduit for God's love to them. I very fervently believe the words of Jesus, "Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with be honored by others...But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing." (Matthew 6:1-3) But for some reason, and maybe I'll never know why, He's letting these blessings be known.

I sort of wonder if there's more than one reason. Maybe, He wants me to know their reactions. Maybe I need the encouragement of seeing them blessed. Or maybe someone else watching our lives and knowing how little we have just needs to see that you can give out of your meager abundance. Or maybe these ladies just need to know that sometime down the road when Holy Spirit asks them to give, they'll remember that even when it appears they don't have much to offer, there's always some extra to give away.

But mostly, I think I just need to stop trying to figure out all of this. The way Holy Spirit puts everything together to care for His children is just beyond anything comprehensible. When I try to analyze the whys and the hows (which I love to do) I can never get my brain around it all. I guess if I could understand all of His moves, He wouldn't be God, would He?

So for as long as He gives me breath, I just need to listen, obey and enjoy the ride. Isn't that what He wants for all of us?

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