Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I Can See Clearly Now...

No the rain isn't gone. In fact, it's Springtime it's actually headed this way! Maybe a better way to put it is that some of the clouds have parted.

I love it when God gives me just enough Light to see that I'm on the right path.When I have things confirmed, yes confirmed that I'm following Him exactly where, when and how He wants me to. This by no means is an indication that I'm perfect or haven't taken a misstep. But rather, for the overall "big picture" I'm "getting it" least for now.

I've shared on here before that I've been in a funk at times and have struggled to get out of it or at least discern why. I've also shared that Holy Spirit was faithful to show me that a lot of it had to do with not feeling like a part of a community. I think I could add that once again, it all comes down to relationships.

And if everything I'm doing is not building relationships...either spiritual, loving, serving or giving relationships...then don't I need to seriously analyze why? If the activities that consume my day are not edifying and strengthening my relationship with God, my spouse, my children, my church and others ( that order), then why do I do it?

Additionally, if my finances, physical stamina or fitness, schedule or emotional moods are keeping me from relationship building, then don't I need to rework those as well? [Alas, this is SO many posts in one that I'm sure this will be broken down into several more over the coming days!] One example: How can I expect to have the physical alertness and energy to serve God & others if I'm not feeding my body properly and getting the adequate amount of mind and body rest that I need?

Oh...this is only the beginning!

As I've begun processing through all of these a few things became very clear. I am involved in activities that are not only detracting from building relationships...but are also the cause of damaging some. And it's not like I'm doing anything evil. Some of the most honorable activities/ministries in which I've served in my adult life have produced great results and have utilized the gifts and skills God gave me to make a difference in the lives of others. I can run around doing a lot of things that seem very good...but if it's not exactly in the center of God's will for my life...I shouldn't be doing it.

And two days ago, I had a definite "Holy Spirit moment" (I used to call these God moments...but I'm trying to give credit where it's due. I know, some would argue it's semantics!) As clearly as if Someone spoke to me out loud, He reminded me yet again, to "strip down and run the race"...His exact words...not mine. But I know He's referring to Hebrews 12:1-2a "Do you see what this means--all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we'd better get on with it. Strip down, start running--and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we're in." (The Message)

That day, He whispered this phrase to "strip down and run the race" over and over to me until it was almost audible. When I just now looked up the passage, I find it almost ironic the mention of "spiritual fat" because food (& eating) is one of the things He's challenging me to go deeper with Him about.

Later that night, Dale and I actually had some time to chat. (It was Media-free Monday after all!) And this is when God just blew me away! Dale was sharing about a conversation he recently had where he described our current situation as "being in the wilderness". The wilderness isn't a punishment, he said, the Israelites' punishment was the amount of time they had to spend there. He feels that God has brought us from something to the wilderness so He can lead us to something.

For me, that's an exciting, amazing place to be! I'm learning so much right now (more posts to come!). To have God confirm to me through Dale that there is still something big coming thrills me. And I even had the thought this morning that the 1st generation of Israelites died in the wilderness, but their children got to go to the Promised Land. If my life is nothing more than a catalyst for getting our children "stripped down so they can run the race" then it will have been worth it all!

If you know us, you'll agree that God's been in this process of stripping us down for a couple of years now. And the blessings along the way have been tremendous. How can I not be excited at the prospect of what He'll do in me and through me when I turn over my calendar/schedule, my vice (eating!), my desires and more to Him?

And last (in this post at least!), I am a planner! I LOVE to plan. Honestly, that's part of my problem of why I struggle to strip down. I spend so much time planning for things that never come to fruition and get frustrated that I've wasted this time. I could sit down right now & come up with detailed plans, projections, money-raising tactics, etc. enough to start a minimum of 5 ministries. It would be thorough, exhaustive and consume a HUGE amount of my time and effort. I could develop a weight loss and exercise regimen and I could spend several hours fleshing out the details. I have no limit to the plans I can develop! But I just read in "Summoned to Lead" by Leonard Sweet today, that what we need to stop doing is planning. Instead, prepare.

Preparation for worship of God and being His people is what the Israelites did in their wilderness. Preparing for His ministry is what Jesus did in His Wilderness. Makes sense that that's what I should be doing in mine!

Stay tuned...He's just getting started!

1 comment:

  1. Did you see my FB quote today. It is from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.... A portion of it reads, " I do my greatest works through people with grateful, trusting hearts. Rather than planning and evaluation, practice trusting and thanking Me continually. 'this is a paradigm shift that will revolutionize your life."
