Thursday, March 24, 2011


Some very amazing things happened today and my heart is overflowing. I don't feel comfortable sharing all yet, it's still too personal and I'm too full of awe to completely process all that has happened. I've promised myself to journal it all and share it later, if appropriate. But there's one part of the story I have to tell!

This morning around 7 a.m. I woke up feeling very rested, with great mental clarity and feeling challenged to get back to a former habit of praying before I ever sit up from my bed. I'd love to remember to do this everyday, but when you hit the floor running a few days, it's easy to get out of practice.

But today...I definitely felt led to start this again. And the first person that pops into my head is someone I barely know. We went to church together in Indy but other than being Facebook friends and seeing the occassional post from her, I haven't seen or spoken to her in over 4 years now. And even then, we weren't close...rather, just acquaintances.

Still, I knew I was supposed to pray for her and rather than analyze why in the moment, I prayed. Led by the Holy Spirit, I asked for her peace and strength for whatever she was facing.

I got up, got started with my day and a few minutes later, she crossed my mind again but this was more out of curiousity as to why Holy Spirit had asked me to pray for her. I thought of her sister half a world away that's a missionary and prayed that nothing had happened to her family, but knew that my prayer was really for the one that had been brought to mind first. I remember thinking, "Later today, I'll go on Facebook and message her that I thought of her and prayed for her this morning."

Honestly, I didn't think about it again until almost 6 p.m. tonight. There were a few more amazing things that happened today that I'll share later. But when I had 5 minutes at work to check Facebook right before I went home for the evening, I was blown away. Right there in the running lists of posts, this one the Spirit had led me to pray for had posted this afternoon, "Praise God! It's benign!"

This was attached to a post of her's from Monday that described how she was going to have a biopsy on a tumor this week, yet she believed that God is always in control. This was the first I'd seen the post and was truly in awe at the amazing way our Abba puts everything together.

I know she had great faith and believed that no matter the diagnosis, God is in control and everything would work out to His Glory. That's what she'd posted on Monday. But our Abba loves her so much that at 7 a.m. this morning, He knew she needed a little more peace and a little more strength.

To quote Forrest, "And that's all I have to say about that."


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