Monday, October 8, 2012

Special Requests

I haven't gathered up the prayer requests for this month and posted them yet, so I'm going to offer them up this way for a change. There are two new ones, one for a single mom and one for us.

  • I received an e-mail from a mom tonight that due to an injury and work hours being cut back she is short on her rent this month by a few hundred dollars. She's raising her two kids on her own and for the three (about) years she's been single, she's done really well providing for them. Please pray for God's provision and that when I follow up with her she will hear only her Abba loving her. There is a former mutual church associate I'm also considering contacting that may know of a way to assist her, but I'm praying for God's wisdom on whether to proceed or not.
  • For our family, we're seeking direction for the future. It is becoming clear with each passing month that to continue renting at our current location is not financially feasible. We're seeking God's wisdom that I know He will provide. We pray He'll lead us to where He wants us to be and that the transition will go well for the kids. Our current lease isn't up until February, so we have some time before decisions have to be made. But we're feeling the pinch as it tightens more and more so we're completely open to whatever and wherever He leads us.
One praise:
  • Mom of 4 received first child support check from her ex and she and the kids are adjusting well to their move to Florida.

1 comment:

  1. God bless you for your faithfulness Angela. I know He has a special place for you.
