Friday, May 23, 2014

This Photo Speaks My Heart

Actually, it's the fountain that says it all:

"One is nearer to God's heart in a garden
Than anywhere else on earth"

This beautiful fountain is located at the Green Learning Station and it echoes my sentiments exactly. I have learned countless lessons about God, faith, endurance, patience, planting for future harvests and beauty, plus more, by enjoying God's creation.

Andrew Peterson sings, "The canyons echo sweet amazing grace" and when you stand at the edge of the Grand Canyon, you get it.

Spending hours untangling a gigantic mess of vines taught me how patiently and delicately God untangles the mess we cultivate with our poor choices. He doesn't want to break the vines of our lives, but sometimes a clean break will produce the new growth necessary to survive.

The most beautiful symphony I ever heard was the rhythmic pittering and pattering of delicate rainfall on my backyard as the empty lot beside our home, with grass almost as high as me, softly played a woodwind section's worth of harmony, while the birds all around me carried on the melody that to this day brings tears to my eyes.

The pink hue of a sunrise or sunset, perfectly combined with the puffy "Florida clouds" I love so much, reminds me each time I see it that there is a God, He loves me and someday I will have the unexplainable privilege of living with Him in a Place even more beautiful than my eyes could ever behold in this lifetime.

And the soft, bubbling of a fountain or creek or the loud splash of an ocean's wave always testifies that no matter how I need it...gently or with a knock-me-off-my-feet triumph...God's grace will always wipe away my selfishness, greed, pain, loss and doubt, if I just wait upon His rain.

Nearer to God in a garden?


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