Saturday, September 22, 2012

For the First Time

I occasionally receive comments to blog posts from people I do not know and will probably never meet this side of Heaven. The diversity of the lifestyles by these readers thrills me to no end! It is absolutely one of my deepest joys to know that God used His words through me to speak to someone's heart.

Tonight, I've had a first though...a prayer request from an anonymous reader. I don't normally post requests from someone I do not know or with whom I've not at least had some e-mail or other correspondence. I did publish the request to the post that the comment was made, but I have a feeling the person that took the time to ask, probably wanted to know that others would be offering up the request too.

After first hesitating to repost it, my subsequent thought was...who am I to judge if someone needs prayer...then someone needs prayer. After all, that's why we're here isn't it? So although I don't know the author by anything other than their blogger moniker of Rocky2, here is their request and I do praise God that someone felt comfortable enough to ask.

"Praying for you all. Here is my request. Lord bless. A Christian minister with a broken heart asks for prayer for his only child - a wayward daughter on the West Coast of the US who's been living with an older man. On Sep. 24th she is having surgery to save her life from what appears to be cancer. PLEASE PLEASE pray that Jolene will survive and finally be drawn to Jesus! (The same minister has an aneurysm near his heart that needs a healing miracle.)"

You amaze me at how Your Spirit leads us to one another when we need it. And right now, I pray for the one whose heart desires what is best for Jolene. Jolene needs you...desperately! She needs your healing touch...first for her soul and then, also her body. We know it is Your will than none would perish and I confidently claim that we know You are drawing Jolene to You. The minister who is parent to Jolene sounds burdened beyond their own strength. I praise You that they do not have to carry this burden at all. I thank You that they can heave it into Your open arms. Lord, the minister needs healing as well...of body and heart. We know You are capable of all these things we ask. I also pray Lord that over the coming days Your Holy Spirit will remind me of Jolene and her parent. I pray that when You bring them to mind I will once again call upon You confidently on their behalf. I am humbled and awed at the opportunity to pray for them and I pray for the faithfulness to do so when You ask. I love You Lord and I am thrilled to be Your child. I pray that same relationship and even more for Jolene.
All praise, honor and glory to You alone! Amen!

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