Tuesday, September 18, 2012

"Why are you persecuting ME?"

You don't have to be a Jesus follower long to know there is a history of persecuting His disciples. The New Testament is replete with examples of followers of "the Way" who were being flogged, jailed, and stoned because of their refusal to deny that Jesus was the one, true Messiah...God in human flesh who lived, died and rose again. But there's only one story that I know of in the Bible that gives you the perspective of a persecutor...the story of Saul.

As I've begun to study the life of this man, later known as Paul, a few things have struck me differently than I'd originally remembered. God's Word (the Bible) is alive (see Hebrews 4:12) and one reading to the next, God's Spirit will use it to teach me new things. Today in (Acts 9:1-19), it wasn't exactly a new idea...just one word that stabbed through me into a place I don't journey often...the persecution of Christians.

I've lived my whole life in mid-America, sometimes called the upper part of "the Bible belt". My small town upbringing didn't lend itself toward opposition, let alone persecution, for being a Christian. Today, some Americans are overly concerned that taking prayer out of public schools or the Ten Commandments off the courthouse walls is the beginning to the end of our religious freedom...a freedom on which this country was founded. And their concern may be warranted.

But whenever Christians here get all bent out of shape over what may or may not happen...in my mind I always think..."Well, at least you're not being shot for your faith...yet." It's a very real possibility in many nations around the world...today. All I had to do was google "countries that persecute Christians" and 537,000 sites popped up in 0.32 seconds. The one I clicked on persecution.org even has a map that shows exactly where this occurs.

So today, when I read this passage I was thankful God's Spirit spoke this little word to my heart...ME. I'm not certain of the exact timing of Saul/Paul's conversion on the road to Damascus, but we do know that Jesus died, was buried, was resurrected and was seen by hundreds of followers for 40 days. Many other details are related in Acts before the Damascus Road encounter between Jesus and Saul/Paul, so I think it's safe to assume this could be many months after Jesus had ascended to Heaven and the Holy Spirit had begun to dwell in His followers. But note what Jesus says: "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?"

Not...My followers...My disciples...My friends...My loved ones...no, it was Me. When I read the passage this morning, probably for the fiftieth time or more, Holy Spirit put one of those ideas in my head that was instantly complete...but very difficult to put into words...human words. Bear with me, I'll do my best (with His help, of course!)

You see, Jesus told us if you feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick or imprisoned that it's the same as doing it to Him. He also told us that if you don't do any of these it's the same as neglecting service to Him. (see Matthew 25:34-41) Based on the encounter with Saul/Paul, is it safe to assume or is it too big of a leap to infer that when our Christian brothers and sisters are left hungry, naked, sick or imprisoned because of their faith in Him there is some sort of "spiritual transference" where Jesus actually takes upon Himself their persecution? What comes to mind instantly is that He did take upon all of the sin ever to exist in the world when He died on the cross. But in that way that I can't exactly wrap my brain around...He is still taking it upon Himself as it happens. I'm sure there's probably a Biblical reference or commentary somewhere that would explain this better...but I can almost visualize the tortured prisoner with the faint outline of Jesus (the same as an artist might depict an angel or spirit) hovering over His child and shielding him or her from the full onslaught of evil all around them.

Can this be why the apostles "rejoiced that they had been considered worthy to suffer shame for His name." (see Acts 5:40-42) Is this how thousands of Jesus followers throughout history have gone singing to their deaths. Is this the reason why even today in China...despite sometimes brutal persecution...hundreds of people are turning to Jesus every single day?

When Jesus is the one taking the persecution onto Himself, yes, of course the physical ramifications are borne out on the human flesh...but are we not taught in scripture that this is just a temporary shell that we occupy until the New Earth and our bodies are completely perfected? Paul...yes, the same Saul/Paul that used to persecute Christians...later calls the persecutions that happen to him "light and momentary troubles". Unfortunately, we only see with human eyes. What I had the pleasure of being reminded of today is that what really matters...our spiritual souls...remain untouched. Jesus personally sees to it that the persecuted soul is unblemished. He is the one that bears the scars. The bodies we leave behind may show some scars...but the soul will be refined and perfected just like gold in the fire.

Does that get your heart pumping? It did mine! I do not currently live in a place or time when I have to face persecution...but some day I may. It could be a very real reality for my children or grandchildren. Whether it is or not, this I know...no matter what the forces of evil concoct for our mortal frames...Jesus will see to it that the soul of His beloved is safe. Amen!

I'm going to add just one more thing. Because this blog goes out to "the great unknown" and because I see daily that it is read by people all over the world and because sometimes the countries listed are ones where persecution is active and even rampant...I feel obligated to the one that may read this that knows all too well about what I write, it is my desire to share in your sufferings through prayer and petition on behalf of the Abba who knows you by name. You are not anonymous to Him! You are not forgotten! You are loved with a passionate, furious, boundless love that seals you and jealously keeps you for His own! And one day you will stand before Him and He will tell the story of how you remained faithful throughout and even despite your pain. That is a story I can't wait to hear! Until then, my hope is that I will be more attuned to God's Spirit so I will be reminded more frequently to pray for you and my brothers and sisters around the world who need to know the encouragement, the comfort and feel the close Presence of the One in whose Name they suffer.


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