Friday, September 28, 2012

A Pocket Full of Jewells

This week I had the delightful treat of caring for a 2+ month old for four days. Now, I'm not one inclined to just take on extra kids for more than the occasional sleepover or a few hours playtime. But someone in need asked if I'd consider it, she's a single mom, and the late-in-life-but-your-ovaries-are-still-beckoning-to-you part of me thought "Why not?" I am beyond thrilled that we did it and here's a few lessons (aka jewels) I learned (or remembered) about the world of babydom:

  • Some little girls are just natural mommys. Our 9 year old Leah, not only arose from bed early every morning to see Jewell...she could not get enough of playing with, feeding or just watching her. Being the youngest, she's never been around such a tiny baby for any significant length of time. Let's just say that every whimper, every whine and absolutely every cry this baby made was felt deeply by our compassionate, merciful, caregiver, Leah. If she thinks someone's in pain...she is there ready to hold the bucket while you puke or the bandage while you bleed. This is the one that will either have a boatload of kids or will step into a role God has for her that will serve even more!
  • Even some baby girls are natural mommys. It was my day to serve in childcare at Bible study yesterday, and in the toddler room there were about two or three toddlers that just couldn't help themselves...they had to see Jewell...a few of them even lingered, longingly looking at her. While I didn't let any of them touch, pull on or hold little girl, while I was rocking the baby, just ran up with super swift feet...patted Jewell on the bottom gently...and just as quickly, ran away. She had her baby fix, I guess.
  • Everyone deserves a chance to cuddle and coo with a baby every once in awhile. No matter what is going on in your life...about 20 minutes of holding a baby that hums and sings while they drink their bottle or smiles at the most random comments...just has a way of nourishing your spirit.
  • Life slows down when you have a baby to care for. The great thing Holy Spirit reminded me early Monday morning is that life is just slower with a baby. I usually wake up with a head overflowing with expectations of the things I want to accomplish for the day. But right from the get go on Monday, God was faithful to remind me to relax, take it easy, let go of those expectations and just enjoy the slow pace. Sure, some chores didn't get done and some schoolwork was bypassed, but some of that happens around here anyway. No expectations means no stress and therefore, no resentment over piled up laundry or whatever. Shoot...I remember the days when my kids where babies that just getting out of my pajamas for the day was a huge event. Now, I stay in my pajamas any chance I get!
  • God did not intend for old women to have babies. I spoke truthfully when I said watching Jewell was a delight and that I was thrilled to do it. But being 44 years old and caring for a small baby does have one down side...achy muscles. No, she doesn't weigh much and she was no problem...rather it's the car seat and other paraphernalia you have to take with you that causes the shoulder and neck strain. God bless moms of young kids! I don't know how I did it. I just know I did it with a younger body!
  • Even when you think you have nothing to do! A recurrent theme of struggle for me has been lack of finances often makes me sad over perceived lack of opportunity to give. Wrong! When Momma asked if I could help, Holy Spirit quickly affirmed to me that this was something I could well...and actually had experience and confidence in doing. So take it from someone who's been there (and still occasionally goes back "there") don't ever believe the enemy's lie that you don't have anything to give to someone in need. Instead...ask God what He's already given you that you can share.
Baby Jewell is pretty sweet and everyone in our family had some form of positive interaction with her this week. What a blessing to even hear my 14 year old boy laugh at her smiles and check on her to see if she's sleeping. It's good for my kids to step outside of themselves and focus on another for a few days.

And just in case you still haven't thought of anything you have to offer someone in need....once again, you'd be wrong. Momma and Jewell are still looking for a more permanent childcare situation and it's going to take God's provision to do it. So you can pray! Pray for God to lead, God to prepare and God to provide. I can claim confidently that He will do it because He's the God Who Will See To It (Jehovah Jireh). But also, I know this Momma's heart is to serve God and He will always provide what she needs exactly when she needs it. Most of all though, God cares for this precious Jewell and He has great plans for her. As her Abba, He'll be certain to get her to the place to fulfill that plan and He'll be with her every step of the way.


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