Friday, September 7, 2012

Special Requests for a Mom We Know

Sometimes God blesses us with an opportunity to be His hands and feet for someone that has carried a heavy load down a road they never dreamed they'd trod and it's been so long that the end seems out of reach. I know a mom in the midst of battles on many fronts. I do not know her well, but I've seen enough to know she gracefully, faithfully serves others without much thought for herself...and right now, she needs you...the brother or sister who shares her faith in Jesus to intercede for her. When God brings this mom of four to mind, would you please pray as His Spirit leads you?

I always attempt to be as anonymous as possible and although this lady has given me permission to share her requests, some of what I post may hint at who she is. If you know her, love her or even are fortunate enough to call her friend...if the Holy Spirit leads you to do something for all means obey Him. But I am asking that unless He directs you to the contrary...please give anonymously and out of love. I can confidently share that she will be grateful and thankful to the One who led you to give. She will also be blessed to have you first and foremost call upon our God's assistance on her behalf.

  • Thinking that her divorce would be finalized today, she discovered that only a motion to file for the final date was being submitted. She had to rearrange work schedules, etc. to accommodate a trial that did not take place.
  • She needs the divorce to finalize so that access to financial assistance from her ex will be available to her. She has severe financial difficulties that need taken care of soon.
  • She has never pursued child support for her oldest child, but is in desperate need of it now. Please pray that the process toward receiving the support will be swift.
  • She has recently put her youngest three children in public school for the first time, and they have adjusted well from being home schooled. Although, they have been having some bouts of illness which the doctor has forewarned may occur often this first year in school.
  • Mom has returned to school as well and had to miss class today to stay home with the sick children. She's excited to be in school working toward a degree, but juggling work, school, the kid's homework, daily life and her volunteer schedule leaves little time for her to unwind. Moms need downtime to be rejuvenated, refueled and find direction and love from their Abba.
  • Because she's returned to school, she interested in finding a laptop. Cost is the prohibitive factor. She currently only has a desktop PC in an open space shared with the family. For example, this makes it difficult to complete a test she'll miss this Tuesday that the professor has graciously agreed to post online. Taking a test with three elementary aged kids running around is not ideal. Any leads on discounted refurbished laptops would be great.
  • Finally, and most urgently, on Tuesday between 9 and noon (EDT), please pray for her ex's sentencing hearing. This has been a long, arduous, bitter road but God has been faithful to provide her with peace, confidence, wisdom and love. Please pray that she will feel a special outpouring of His Holy Spirit. She will have to testify against her spouse and will be with him in the same room for the first time in over a year. Mom is also praying that the sentence to be served will be long enough to protect her young children until they reach adulthood. Pray she will allow God's Spirit to remind her that she is only responsible for speaking the truth and not how her ex or his family may respond to it.
Thank you, prayer warrior! Even as you've read over this list, I am confident that God's Spirit has been interceding on behalf of this family. When our words fail...He speaks for us with groans and utterances we cannot express. (see Romans 8:26)


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