Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dying a Little Death

A passage I read today in Philippians 3 reminded me of something I heard a speaker say several years ago: "Every day we die a little death." [I considered titling this post "I'm Dying" but I didn't want to be sensationalistic just to get readers to click on my blog.]

Verses 8-11 really hit me though. The devotional on the life of Paul wasn't headed down the same line of thought that I was. That's one thing I love about reading scripture and asking the Holy Spirit to lead. I could follow the author's train of thought and still find some meaning in it...but His lesson for me was specific to what I needed to hear.

In verses 8 and 9, Paul is reminding the Philippians that his heritage, his education, his training and experience are all "rubbish" (verse 8) compared with what he gains in his relationship with Christ. And what he really wants to know is "the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death." (verse 10).

Really? Have I ever asked God to let me know and even fellowship with Him in His sufferings?

I was reminded of a conversation I had right after tax season ended this year. I told my friend, Kari, that I looked forward to the time when I'm not working because then I'm more dependent upon God and am drawn closer to Him and even see Him do more in my life...that would be only by this same power displayed at the resurrection. Looking back, I know this is when the attack on my fears, doubts and worries began. My enemy used my insecurities to distract me from dependence upon the Holy Spirit.

But when a few weeks ago He refocused my heart and my mind on Him and even "put to death" my fears, doubts and worries that's when I began to see His power at work again. I'm certain the Holy Spirit was always working, but because I didn't die to my fears, etc., I couldn't see Him.

Do you remember that there were Roman soldiers at the tomb when the stone rolled away? Yet, we are never told that their lives were transformed. I have to ask myself, what were they not willing to die to in order to witness the true power of the resurrection? Was it pride? Fear of being fired, or even killed for losing a dead corpse and leaving their post? Was it belief in the republic over the person? (Yep, that one is appropriate to ask ourselves in this election season!) Whatever the reason, the power of the resurrection was right before their eyes...and yet, they missed it.

Processing through this, I had to ask...what do I need to allow Him to put to death so that I can witness the power of His resurrection? If this sounds foreign to you, maybe you haven't yet learned that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is the same Holy Spirit power that lives inside you as a Jesus follower.

Following logical thought then (which is just how my brain works):  at least in our culture here in the U.S., why do we not experience His power more often? Why aren't miracles happening frequently? Why aren't the numbers of Jesus followers being added daily as they were in the church described in Acts? Why aren't amazing things being done in the name of Jesus all over this country that only confound and astound and draw to Jesus those who don't already know Him?

If Paul's logical train of thought is true...maybe we have some dying to do.


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