Sunday, June 16, 2013

Christ Church Cemetery, Philadelphia PA

This will be a quick post, as there is not a lot to say. Ben Franklin was interned in this cemetery and his final place of rest can be seen through a section specifically cut out of the brick wall. In other words, we would not have had to pay to enter the cemetery if I had noticed this as we walked by it.

But, it only cost $8 ($9 with the map we purchased) for our whole family to enter and oddly enough, I enjoy visiting cemeteries. My dad used to take me as a kid to our town's and I loved to hear the stories of people he'd known through the years.

Looking around in a cemetery was one of the many things that was out of our kids' comfort zone (post coming soon), but I tried to explain repeatedly that "death is a part of life", all to no avail. Evidently, it's "creepy".

A few years ago, I determined to offer our children opportunities to become more comfortable with aging, death and dying. After's the only thing we're guaranteed in this life. As I have become unafraid of death, God's Spirit has challenged me to teach our kids that because we have faith in Him, there is nothing to fear. So while I probably wouldn't hang out and have a party there...for its historical significance and a chance to push my kids a little outside of their safe was worth the $9 to see it.

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