I have taken a much needed sabbatical from the blogging world and am ready to resume posting about the things I love. There will be a few changes and an announcement is coming soon, but for now, I wanted to catch up on a movie review I missed during my time away: Thor: The Dark World
Okay, if you realize up front that I am a Superhero Geek you'll understand that I have greatly enjoyed each of these Marvel movies over the recent years. We even own quite a few on DVD and the ones we don't, we watch often on Netflix or on our Amazon Prime (One Year Membership)
. However, other than a few performances, I can readily admit that this was not one of the best Marvel epics to date.
I'm uncertain as to how Tom Hiddleston was cast as Loki, but to whomever the credit goes it is high praise indeed. Strangely enough, most of the people I know watch the Thor movies mostly due to Loki. I even know a few teens who are pulling for a Loki movie in the future. A bad good guy (or is that a good bad guy?) that could pull off a multi-million dollar franchise movie on his own? I don't know, but this one would probably have the best chance.
Stellan Skarsgard as the mentally unstable Erik Selvig was the exact comic relief needed in an otherwise "dark" film (yes, that was a play on the title) and as always, gave a wonderful performance.
It remains to be seen if dropping the number 2 in the title is because this off-shoot of the Marvel empire would like to continue without too high of a number (ala Rocky) or if it was a more artistic nod to the superhero that happens to be a bit classier than Iron Man. Regardless of how many there are, my family will continue to see them because we just can't get enough of the good vs. evil (with minimal bloodshed) genre. When the superhero always wins, all just seems right with the world and we walk away believing we will see the day when everything is set right.
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