Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Yes, I'm a Superhero Geek!

Okay, I finally claim it...I am a superhero geek! Ever since I first saw Christopher Reeve fly backwards, changing the Earth's rotation so that time would retreat in 1978's Superman, I have been hooked. Actually, it may have started even earlier as I remember most school day afternoons watching George Reeves (no relation to Christopher) in reruns of the 1950's hit TV show Superman.

Over the years I've loved the Marvel Spiderman trilogy with Tobey Maguire and even went to see Batman: The Dark Knight by myself on opening night 2008 in a packed house where I was actually thankful I went alone because spotty single seats were all that were left.

Yes, even Avatar, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and everyday hero movies like Schindler's List, Glory, Saving Private Ryan, The Matrix (first one only!) and of course, all of the recent Marvel movies (Iron Man 1 and 2; Thor; and Captain America) are movies I've watched over and over and over and over again. Do you begin to see where I'm coming from?

So is it any wonder when friends offered Noah and I two tickets to the opening night of The Avengers we were absolutely thrilled? And yes, we're so silly about superheros that Noah has seen it three times (even paying for his dad to go once) and I've now seen it twice. Noah's birthday is coming up soon and this was one treat we were blessed to be able to splurge on today. But as we were driving to the theatre, I had to give pause and ask myself: "What is it that draws me to these types of movies...not just once but repeatedly to the brink of being obsessed?"

Just like I hoped it would the answer came from within, but outside of me...when the Voice I know so well and love so much whispered, "Because you know the Good Guy is supposed to win!"

Amen! The Good Guy has already won! And He doesn't back down from fighting evil...and neither should we. I've discerned that Captain America is my favorite Avenger. While Iron Man Robert Downey, Jr., by far has the wittiest repartee, Captain Steve Rogers' politeness, sincerity and willingness to jump on a bomb for anyone has won me over. Coincidentally (or maybe not), his weapon of choice?...a shield!

Good selection. I believe I've read that recommendation somewhere else...Ephesians 6:16

And, oh yeah...if you need to find me this summer...check the theatre. I'm saving and scrounging up all the pennies I can. Why? Well July brings two new movies to the superhero list...Spiderman and the final installation of the Batman: Dark Knight series. Save me a seat!

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