Sunday, May 6, 2012


I've been chewing on this word a lot over the last few days and I thought I'd share what it's come to mean to me. I'm nearing the very end of my study of Esther and I'll be a little sad to see it go. I always feel melancholy about ending a Beth Moore study. I learn so much and experience a great deal of growth in a pretty short period of time, and I just long for that feeling to continue...every day.

Although the study is nearing the end, Moore's Spirit-inspired take on Scripture continues to speak right up to the last word. And the most significant word this week for me was "together".

I found this little treasure tucked away in a chapter I've read so many times, that when she referenced it in the reading and asked the reader to look it up, I immediately had it narrowed down to one or two very frequently quoted verses. It's in Romans 8, which for most Christians that have been studying the Bible for more than a few years, instantly conjures up many different verses that they can "hang their faith on", so to speak. Romans 8:28 is by far, one of the most touted, most shared, most quoted, most...abused even...scriptures there is. Yikes! Did I really just say abused? Afraid so.

Here's the verse as I read it a few days ago in my New American Standard Bible:

"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."

An amazing scripture, from an amazing God!

One of the first things we often fail to point out is this is a promise to Christians...Jesus-followers...those that claim the blood of the Messiah as their only way to having a relationship with God the Father...the Creator of us all. I cringe when people quote this to anyone and everyone. If someone is not in relationship with the Father, He can work things out for their good...but He doesn't promise it.

The next thing is the definition of "good". In America we tend to think in terms of wealth and prosperity...try telling that to a single mom in Africa or Asia. We personally lost everything financially a few years ago. By American standards, there is no "good" in our lives, but I can share countless "goods" that have come from that situation alone..."good" as God's Holy Spirit has defined it for me.

But, sadly I've heard this scripture shared most often to try to give an explanation to someone for the reason why they're experiencing great suffering, overwhelming tragedy or deep and severe pain and I know that becomes one of the many stumbling blocks why hurting people can't ultimately trust God. They think: "How can you say He is a good God if He thinks letting _________________(insert tragedy) happen to me is for my good."

Believe me...I've been there!

I'm sorry if I offend here...that is truly not my purpose...but how can we ever, honestly look at someone and say, 'Yes, divorce is good for you and your kids.'? In what universe is losing a baby or having one diagnosed with a chromosomal defect, or losing a parent to Alzheimer's, or losing your innocence as a child to abuse...a good thing??? Really? If you dare say that to the one in the middle of the swirling hurricane-force gale, you better duck quickly because if it were me...I might start throwing punches. [Just being honest!]

Then there's that word I've been chewing on...that word that Holy Spirit just hasn't let go out of my head...together. You see, I think what He's been trying to show me is that I will absolutely, without a doubt, drive myself C-R-A-Z-Y trying to find the proverbial "silver-lining" behind every rain cloud. I am not just analytical...I am hyper-analytical. I think very deeply and have even been told this is a bad thing. But God made me this way, right? And I have experienced some things in my life that in the moment and isolated by themselves had absolutely no good in them.


taken together with, let's personality...or my character...or my husband's wisdom...or my kids' laughter...or my sense of humor...or my experiences as a child...or my church background...or that sermon I heard 10 years ago...or a relationship that crossed my path for a moment, or a lifetime...or that other thing that happened a few years back...

and He...the ineffable One...the One who is so amazing we can't even come up with a word that can contain all that He is...

He takes a jagged edge from this piece and sets it next to the curve of that piece and lines it up with the plumb line of that piece and shaves off the extra from that piece and buffs the raggedness of that piece and fills in the empty spots with that piece and is constantly polishing all of the pieces so is good.

I know a lot of hurting people right now and I, in turn, hurt for them when I hear comments from well-meaning people that are trying to put a positive spin on their pain. You know, maybe one of the best things we can say is, with honesty..."You know what ______________(insert tragedy) SUCKS! And I'm hurting for you. And I'm praying for you. And I do not want to make light of your pain, but don't drive yourself nuts trying to find something good in this. All you can really do, is pick up the pieces and carry them to the One that can put them all together and make something good from them. He's guaranteed you that if you're one who loves Him...He will do it! Hold Him to the promise! It's okay to tell Him He has to come through. He delights in His children staking their lives on one of His claims!"

You know what? His Son did too!

Hebrews 12:1-3

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