Sunday, May 13, 2012

Provision Even for the Little Things

I know I've blogged similar posts before, but I'm still in awe of a God that cares about even the little, seemingly insignificant things that matter to us. I shared on Thursday (see Idolatry of Self-Reliance) how I'd awakened pretty early with some concerns on my mind and heavy on my heart. Payday was Friday and I just couldn't humanly see how money was going to stretch to cover all the things we need it to this month.

Even as I was walking to the mailbox Friday afternoon, for some reason I was praying, "Lord, even just $25 would be great." I haven't exercised this sort of request to Him as I walked toward the mailbox for some time, because the random blessings we received in the past have become very random indeed...and that's okay. This is merely how God is choosing to work in our lives for this season. I've not complained because I know when His floodgates are open, sometimes there needs to be a little dry spell too.

I even shared with a friend a few weeks ago after my temporary tax season job was complete that in a weird sort of way, I look forward to these periods where we can't completely provide for ourselves...that's when my intimacy with Him is at its highest and I see Him working everywhere around me...even in the little things.

I honestly wasn't expecting anything in the mail on Friday, but as I did a quick glance through, I saw a card from a relative that loves to send cards. I knew when I saw the handwriting that it was a Mother's Day card addressed to me and I thought, "How sweet.  She always remembers." I opened it on my way to the van because the kids and I were heading out to run some errands. Out tumbled a $25 Kohl's gift card. Hmmm...amazing! One of my kids needs some new shoes...God knew it...and He provided. He's just that good.

Since it was payday, I'd already paid out or allocated the money to payout all of our expenses for the next few weeks and didn't much care for the number that was left over when all was said and done. Are any of us ever? I told myself, "It's okay. It will be tight, but I just want to have enough for Noah's birthday and to go out for Mother's Day." Unfortunately,  after we'd run our errands which included grocery shopping, I knew I'd cut into what was left more than I'd expected. Don't we always?

So as I put all the groceries away and thanked God for His provision for them yet again (and the amazingly cheap produce co-op where we get to shop!)...I said to Him, 'You's okay if we don't go out for Mother's Day. I just want to be able to go out for Noah's birthday.' I was thinking this as I walked toward the dining table where I'd thrown the rest of the mail. As I opened the only other envelope we received that day, to my astonishment and surprise, there was the $50 rebate gift card from my contact lens purchase I'd submitted in an unmarked envelope with our address only.

Now, I am fully aware that eating in a restaurant for Mother's Day is way down on the pecking order of world dilemmas. But to be able to tell my kids, "Look what God provided," is HUGE. And you may begin to believe that I somehow contrive these little stories just to make God sound good...but I could never make Him sound as good as He really is. Believe it or not, we went to our family's favorite Chinese restaurant and my heart sank as they told us that lunch prices were not in effect today because of Mother's Day. I thought, "Shew...good thing I told the kids on the way here we were only getting water!" I even made a remark to all of them that it would be about $20 more than I'd budgeted (which was the $50 gift card), but it would be okay.

Without even calculating the cost and simply being able to share one less meal because the dinner portions are bigger and the wonderfully kind owner continued to give me a 15% discount because she did this for me while I worked in the same strip mall this winter and...yes, beyond everything rational and logical within me...that total, with even a 20% tip guessed it...$50.00!

Is that cool or what?!

So let me ask you this: Do you trust Him with even your little things? Please will be amazed, astonished and absolutely awestruck at what He wants to do in you!

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