Thursday, February 27, 2014

More Thoughts On Pride

I never cease to be amazed at how the Holy Spirit puts lessons and wisdom together for me. After I posted a few days ago regarding pride, I've been asking myself, "If Paul writes that it is good to boast of our weaknesses, (see 2 Corinthians 11:30) then how do I remain humble?"

I want to glorify God and shout to the nations of His Love and amazing works...but how do I remember that it has nothing to do with me?

As I have been asking myself these questions, I remembered two things that recently happened. Of course  they fit perfectly into His teaching regarding pride.

The first, was that sometimes in our family, we belly laugh so hard that it embarrasses another member of the family. Laughter is good medicine. In fact, more and more research suggests just how potent it is. On occasion, the thing that makes our children laugh most is their parents' laughter. It occurred to me that taking myself too seriously could potentially even be unhealthy.

So I determined that I should strive to do one thing every day to embarrass myself...and hopefully my kids too!

Now, I don't want to be obscene or rude, demanding or unfeeling...but if singing a little louder in church, or doing a quick shimmy in the grocery store when an 80s song comes on helps me remember my place in life...then shake on baby!

The second thing that happened was that when I recently spoke in our women's Bible study, I did not allow myself to color my hair prior to speaking. I have been in desperate need of covering my gray, but throughout the preparation was hyper-aware that I should not touch up the color. I knew this was God reminding me to be authenticate. In fact, I did not want to purchase anything new to wear either...but was deeply concerned that the older women in our group could find offense from my holey...not holy...jeans. Funny thing though...I went to the Gap Outlet to get them as cheaply as I could and tried on six pairs before I could find one without strategically placed holes. Who knew simple living and humility could be trendy?!

Then today in my study, author Mary Englund Murphy described three different types of servants in the church. While I won't transcribe it all here, I was reminded that there are certain jobs that I have not sought out because they don't appeal to me.

Yes...there is the pride that still needs rooted out.

So today, I need to sign up for a job that I abhor and do it with love, compassion and joy.

After all my Saviour went through for me and the embarrassing lengths to which He would go to have relationship with me...there should never be any task below my station in life, should there?

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