Friday, January 2, 2015


What Would (Is) Jesus Do-ing?

Most of us have heard the phrase "What would Jesus Do?" Some of us probably even still have a plastic bracelet bearing the initials WWJD thrown into the back of a junk drawer somewhere.
While the question has merit, this year I want to ask WIJD...What Is Jesus Doing? I want 2015 to be the year where God's Kingdom "on Earth as it is in Heaven" becomes a reality that I see daily.
This Spirit-inspired task is a daunting one, it will take more discipline than I can muster in my own power, and it will challenge and perhaps shake the very core of my American-church faith.
Shane Claiborne writes, "Few things have more transformative power than people and stories." (Irresistible Revolution). If you'll join me as I dig into God's Story, read the stories of God's faithful and interview those who are already on the frontlines of His Kingdom work, and begin to join God in places where He is already working, I promise you will be transformed too. (12/24/14)

Today as I reflect on these words that poured out of me as I sat in my car and waited for Abbey to complete her gift shopping in Target on Christmas Eve, I cannot begin to relay to you all of the various affirmations that God has used to confirm that this is the theme for me in 2015. I haven't made a New Year's resolution in a few decades...and I've never kept one...but God's Holy Spirit is faithful to often direct me into themes that He wants to explore in my heart, mind, body and soul.

2014 was a year of attempting to become chemical free and I think I'm about 75%+ there. It's involved making homemade alternatives to shampoo, conditioners, toothpastes and using essential oils, herbs and teas for stress and pain relief. Did it take time? Yes. Did it take effort? Yes. Did it cost additional money? Sometimes yes...but often it was less expensive or free.

Wouldn't it be amazing if at this time next year I could share with you that I see God actively working in 75%+ of each and every day? Call it a resolution, a goal, a theme or the impossible...but He has me chomping at the bit...ready for the challenge.

While I can't possibly convey every situation that has brought me to this place...because some of them extend back in time over a decade...I can share a few highlights that I hope encourage you to join me on this leg of the Journey:
  • Our church (2000+ members) is presently reading through The Story together. This version of the Bible tells God's Story and how it has prevailed throughout history.
  • In a series of meetings with our Serve Ministry Leader at First Church of Christ, I had the "idea" that people learn best through and are inspired by the stories of others, so why don't we create short videos showing where God is already working and trust Him to inspire others to join in.
  • During this same set of meetings, we chose to begin reading Irresistible Revolution as a Serve Team to dig into a narrative of how Jesus is fleshing out His work in others.
  • While contemplating how to educate people in our congregation about needs in our community and how we can meet those needs, this idea of sharing a book discussion to the whole church arose and we began sifting through a lengthy list of what book to start with because Irresistible Revolution might be too challenging for most...yet this book rose to the surface and that's where we'll begin.
  • The paragraphs at the beginning of this post poured out of me on Christmas Eve, because I read that amazing quote from Shane Claiborne while I waited.
  • What is the title of my blog for pete's sake?
  • Too many more to relate here.
So we're diving in...we've created a private Facebook group for church and online participants who want to read Irresistible Revolution and join in the conversation. I'll also be posting quotes from books, sharing videos of God's Kingdom work and trying to engage you in this Journey. Follow me on Twitter (link above), find me on Facebook, come to our Sunday morning book discussions (message me for details), join us in our LifeGroup or at Thursday morning Bible study at FCC, message me to meet for coffee, join us in serving at Tent Day, the Emergency Shelter of Northern Kentucky, homeless hosting this winter at FCC or any of the other possibilities that will arise throughout the year...but most of all fall on your knees and implore the Almighty, the Savior of your soul and His Holy Spirit that is alive, active and living in you to show you where He is already bringing His Kingdom "on Earth as it is in Heaven."

I am so ready! Aren't you??

p.s. I almost forgot!! We'll be using the hashtag #FCCGodStories for Kingdom-work inspiration. What better way to show how God is "trending" everyday??!

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