Thursday, May 12, 2011

Tithing, part 3

As I continue the train of thought from the previous post, if you’ve jumped straight into this one, back up a few days and start with Tithing…an Introduction.

When I recently came across this question, “Should the jobless tithe on their unemployment benefits?” in a Christianity Today article, I was curious what fellow believers would have to say. Although we did tithe while receiving unemployment benefits and my husband is no longer unemployed, I was still drawn to the article because when I’m not working, our income is below the amount of unemployment compensation he received. This is the life God has called us to…we have now accepted that and actually often rejoice in it. But I was anxious to read what these three men had to say about the poor tithing…which is another way of examining this question.

Douglas LeBlanc, editor at large for The Living Church magazine, author of Tithing: Test Me in This draws from his own experience when finances were scarce to answer, “Yes, if joyfully,” to the question at hand. My heart could empathize for my husband when LeBlanc spoke of the shame he felt of “not bringing more money into our household.” This is a pain I saw in my own husband.

And had I read LeBlanc’s words during my crisis of faith, I would have found great comfort in reading that he believes “there are some reasons for jobless people--or anyone, for that matter—not to tithe." (emphasis mine)

Some of the reasons that stood out to me most include: Don’t give out of joyless obligation to the law; Don’t give out of the assumption that God will owe you anything; Don’t give if you will resent God for asking sacrifices of you. Unfortunately, during my darkest months, I was guilty of all three!

But one more that he mentions I specifically even asked church leaders about…I never felt comfortable tithing knowing that I would default on a loan. Somehow, I always felt like God didn’t need my money, so He would understand and even prefer that I pay my creditors first. After all, isn’t that the better testimony?

LeBlanc’s overall message though, is one I can embrace. We shouldn’t be living lives with double mortgages, confusing our desires with our needs or even think that tithing is only for those who are financially secure. He ends by saying something that God had already brought to a better awareness for me, “God has a deeper purpose for all the blessings in your life than making ends meet.” Amen!

Now that’s a message I can get excited about! Have you heard the old Stephen Curtis Chapman song that says,
“There’s more to this life,
Than livin’ and dyin’
More than just tryin’ to make it through the day.”

Again, as I said before…He has so much more for us than what we’ve dared allow ourselves to believe. And if Him growing a more generous spirit in me is how He can best display all the blessings and joy that He wants to give…then, grow me Lord,…however You desire. If your heart is yearning for more, as is mine, tell Him right now…’no matter the cost, Lord, I will follow!’

To be continued…

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