Monday, December 30, 2013

On the Sixth (& Fifth) Day of Christmas- Source Naturals Vitamin D3; Pet Pal

I knew when I started this series about My Favorite Things that I most likely couldn't keep up a post a day pace throughout the 12 Days of Christmas. Alas, yesterday I missed completing Day here it is along with the highly anticipated (I'm certain!) Day 6.
Thanks to Rawganic Vegan, I stumbled across this treasure and purchased it on Amazon. From my limited research, apparently, if you live north of Atlanta, Georgia, it is impossible to get enough Vitamin D from natural sunlight for the months of September through March. I can readily believe this. I also know that most of us aren't outside enough even during the warm months to get adequate supplies.
This liquid supplement can easily be used in a cup of water, juice or a smoothie. I've done all three and only noticed a minimal taste in water. It's not unpleasant or bitter, just different. I don't even know how to describe it.
For information about Vitamin D deficiency, I found this informative article at Natural News. I hope you read the article because odds are you, or one of the people you know, suffer from one of the Top 10 maladies from a Vitamin D deficiency. It's also almost impossible to get this much-needed vitamin from food alone. It is synthetically added to milk and other products, but that form is not well metabolized by your body. You would have to eat two portions of fatty fish (salmon or mackerel) per day to get enough. Thus, my option became purchasing this supplement instead.
Day 6: This cute little elephant Pet Pal that my husband gave me for Christmas. He purchased it at It's Only Fair in Newport. I love that he knows me so well. He could have bought just about anything he wanted...and he chose to get me a meaningful gift that has a huge impact on the life of the lady who made it.
*I hope you'll indulge me for a moment longer as I became a bit overwhelmed at something God just did in the moment as I type this. This was not how I was expecting my simple blog post to end.*
Christmas morning when I opened this animal I was delighted and blessed to be joined to a man that cares about the things that matter to me. I immediately treasured this gift.
There were also three cards attached and a brochure that explained more about the purchase. (Yet another reason why I will continue to shop at It's Only Fair.) But that morning I didn't have my reading glasses on and told myself I'd read them later when I could give the information my full attention.
Life has been hectic since then with three days of travelling to see families and then catching up here at home. As I sat down to write this post, I grabbed the cards with the intention of reading them before writing about the gift. Here's what the first card says: "Anyango Anjella- Anjella is 36 years old with 4 children and 1 child that she takes care of for a total of 5. She was abandoned by her husband over 5 years ago and has been struggling to feed her children. Since being in the BU (Beyond Uganda) program, she has been able to send her children to school and her dream is to move out of the one room they live in and purchase a home. Your purchase today has helped Anjella get closer to that goal."
The second card says this: "Meet Awori Abigail. She is 13 years old & in Grade 4. Your animal is Handmade by Women in Uganda And This Beautiful Stuffed Animal will Provide A Brand New School Uniform for Awori Abigail At Mt.Zion Orphanage in Bugiri, Uganda."
Do you see it? Do you know me and know that my name is also Anjella (Angela)? Do you see that this orphan who will now have a new school uniform because of this little animal is named Abigail? ...the same name as my oldest daughter?
So while my husband bought me a cute little animal to give his Angela and also bought Haitian hand painted magnets for his Abigail and other three children...he was in turn providing food, clothing and shelter for another Anjella and Abigail half a world away that he may never meet this side of the fulfilled Kingdom.
Have I mentioned to you how much I absolutely LOVE Fair Trade?!!!

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