Monday, March 3, 2014

Time to Transplant

The tomato plants are growing well and today, it was time to give their roots some space to grow. I've been attempting to save butter dishes, salsa containers and anything else I can get my hands on, but I still don't have enough. Oh well. Eventually, they'll all get moved to larger quarters.

For today though, I was able to move about 17 of the tomatoes. Rutgers, Beefsteak, Brandywine Pink, Black Krim and Cherokee Purple are all growing well and out of their confined planting spaces.

One of my favorite experiences about growing tomatoes, aside from eating them fresh from the plant, is when the seedlings first smell like tomato plants. It's a distinctive smell, and one that reminds me of summer. 

Around here, we'll take any hint of summer we can get!

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