Saturday, July 6, 2013

My Child Asked for What???

Today at the grocery store, our youngest, Leah, bobbed up and down (like she frequently does) and asked if I would buy some cauliflower and make my knock-off version of mashed potatoes. It's also a healthier version. In the organic section, I looked at the price of $2.49 for one medium-sized head (nothing organic is usually very big...and that's a good sign that it's authentically organic!) and started to shake my head and say, "No, not today, it's too expensive."

But I hesitated just long enough to actually think about what I was doing. I quickly glanced around at the nearby Starbucks, deli, ready made food bars, take home pizzas and bakery and snapped out of thoughts of what she could be asking for and replied, "Yes!"

She's already eaten two helpings and will probably be back for more!

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