Sunday, July 6, 2014

One Week in Joel

No book of the Bible can be studied in only one week...even if it is only three chapters long. Although time was short, I learned quite a bit with the help of my commentary about this tiny prophetic book named Joel.

Joel was prompted to call Israel back from its wicked ways as the result of a devastating drought and attack by locusts. Things were so bad, that the daily offerings in the temple had ceased. (see Joel 1:9) Although we don't know exactly when Joel was written, or by whom, we do know that the remnant had returned to Jerusalem, built the walls and the temple was again central to daily living. 

Where Joel first challenged me was a reminder that God reveals Himself to His people not for selfish gain, but to share the revelation with others. [The New Bible Commentary: Revised, reprint 1984] God doesn't meet with me so I can hoard away the blessings of what He teaches...we are always designed to be living communally. That includes sharing His teaching with others.

When I first read this idea of sharing the revelations, I realized that's why I blog. Yes, you can find reviews of restaurants, books, products and gardening tips on here too, but four years ago when I started this blog, it was because my journal just wasn't enough anymore. The pages of my writings could not contain all that God was doing in me. I had to share it with others. At the time, I didn't have anyone that could sit with me for hours and listen to me pour out all the wonder and beauty of what was happening. You...dear reader...became the outlet for me to share what this great God was doing in me and through me.

Four years later, I know He was preparing me for things that are still to come.

How do I know?

Because of this passage in Chapter 2

Strangely enough, I used this exact same passage when I spoke (and then wrote) in February about living the vision God has for our Peter uses this same prophecy on the day of Pentecost to lead 3000 people to a relationship with their Savior, Jesus. 

What is the prophecy?

That there would be a time when we would have the gift of the Holy Spirit living inside of us.

Ohhh...this is just getting better and better!

There is a lot more in Joel. I encourage you to read it and study it for yourself. Sadly, my friends and I had a limited amount of time to dig in. I leave you with this wonderful quote from my commentary, that gives you some indication of where God is leading me personally:  "If Israel's history had been 'Paradise lost' then the Messianic age is 'Paradise regained." [The New Bible Commentary:Revised p. 723]

This is what God's Spirit is calling me to...a radical devotion that doesn't worry about appearances, comfort, convenience or even my wants or desires. This is why I've been avoiding Him for many months too. Then today...I sat in a worship celebration where He unequivocally confirmed everything He has been calling me to. And the beautiful thing is...I know He was calling others right along with me!

I hope to share more in the next day or two, but for now I leave you with something I said to my friend Julie yesterday as I sat in her kitchen: I don't know what He's doing...but He's doing something.

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