Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Captain America: The Winter Soldier- A Movie Review

Being the Superhero Geek that I am, I can't explain why it took over two months to get me to the theatre to see this one.

Sure, I saved money by seeing it at the second-run theatre, but Captain America is my favorite Avenger. And yes, I knew from the early trailers...and the IMDB.com cast list...what the big "surprise reveal" was going to be. But still, why wait so long to get my Marvel fix?

Oh, that's right...my daughter...who is not a superhero geek, led me to believe this movie was not that good.


Okay. So I realize that all of these extra Marvel movies are only to keep us happy until the Avengers 2 comes out and I seriously have some doubts about "Antman" (heaven, help us in our desperation)...but come on! Captain America is still my favorite Marvel Avenger. He's earned it, I think!

It's refreshing to see a hesitant love interest and faithfulness to the memory of someone he loved long ago. And this is a superhero movie, based off a comic book series...I wasn't exactly expecting Oscar-worthy performances or scripts here.

But what I expected (fast-paced action and witty banter plus a good vs. evil plot) and hoped for in this classic good guy, was well-received by me.

Am I happy to have saved money by waiting this late to see the film? Sure. But next time, I think you can plan on meeting me at the theatre opening weekend.

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