Saturday, October 5, 2013

Just a Little Something

I know there are some pretty hefty problems out there that need to be addressed. And I know a lot of people that would like to address them. I also know that my Abba is in complete control and even when there are much bigger fish to fry, He still delights in taking a little time to give me sweet gifts.

Last weekend I did a little research on if and how I could grow garlic in containers over the winter. I perused the site and was excited at the prospect, but uncertain where to start.

Wednesday I had a friend over to show me a new product she's selling and there was an unexpected knock on the door. It was my friend Lori bringing me some fresh green beans to cook've probably guessed it...a bulb of garlic so I could plant it!

It seems about the time I was researching how to grow garlic, Lori was at a home show or something (the details were a little difficult for me to grasp in the moment) and there was a company selling dozens of varieties of garlic to grow and Lori thought, 'I bet Angela would like to grow something like that.'

I have a bad habit of not always recognizing a gift/blessing in the moment that it's happening. I have begun to believe this might be because my finite brain needs time to process the complexities of God. Whatever the explanation, as I've prepared the pots and the soil and planted enough garlic to have as many as 10 fresh, homegrown heads of Thermadrone garlic next summer, Holy Spirit has been speaking to me more and more about this internal work He wants to do in me.

He's been whispering, "Sometimes, my love, when you don't know where to start...I just show up at your front door and make a special delivery."

He's pretty awesome like that!

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