Tuesday, October 15, 2013

PLEASE Read This!

A Facebook friend shared this blogpost today. It is amazing insight into how it feels to be poor and always have to tell your children, "No." Things are a little better for us now...but that's because my husband works 60+ hours a week, just to pay the bills. 

And while we have never used EBT assistance, I have completed the application twice, yet felt a firm "No" from my Abba that, at least for us, food assistance was not how He would provide. I am a huge advocate for those that need it though. Is the system perfect? No. But unless neighbors, families, churches and friends are going to walk beside people for the long haul, there will always be a need for the system.

Children do sometimes need to be told no. But envision a world where you could never buy anything but necessities, could not even buy extra flour or sugar to make an extra treat, couldn't afford any movies, video games, books or toys, could never afford new shoes or clothes for your child and never had gas money for anything except getting to work, the store, school and maybe church and...now ask yourself how long your kids could go without ever being told, "Yes, you may have that treat."

Are you beginning to understand? If not, next time my 10 year old is crying because we have no money for scouts, dance lessons, etc. I'll gladly send you a video so you can see first hand how it feels.

I am thankful for an Abba who loves me...who loves us all...and recently suggested to me that I stop saying, "No, we can't afford that," but rather suggest an alternative instead. Today when the waterworks poured forth at her creative, social brain's perceived slights to her childhood, I was prompted to share with her how we are attempting to learn to live more simply. As we more fully embrace this lifestyle Jesus is calling us to...when He frees up money for us, "won't it be a great thing to be able to help others live, eat and grow too?"

She agreed...that would be a pretty awesome thing.

***I feel so strongly about this, I am posting the link again so you will read it.***

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