Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ecstatic to See This!

The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning is without a doubt my all-time favorite Christian book. The book was suggested by my beloved pastor, Brian Delbridge, at a time in my life when I needed to experience the deep, abiding love of my Savior.

I read this book at least once a year and think I've completed it about 7-8 times now. God's Spirit breathes assurance, grace and love into my soul every time I turn through the pages. With every reading I find new things to highlight or underline and new applications for my life. For me, that's usually a sign that the text was given to the author by the Holy Spirit. No, I'm not comparing this book to Scripture, but I do believe God still speaks through His Spirit today.

Clicking around on YouTube tonight, I came across this:

Rich Mullins was so impacted by Brennan Manning's book he even named his group Rich Mullins and the Ragamuffin Band. What I've heard and read about Rich Mullins' life gives testimony to the fact that he did live out a Ragamuffin's life. There was no pretension, no arrogance. Mullins realized as Manning writes, that we "are all beggars at the door of God's mercy". Mullins repeatedly rubbed the Christian music establishment the wrong way. And I once read that he never had control over the royalties or proceeds from his music. It all went to his church and they gave him a salary in an amount that they determined.

I know I'll want to see this movie. You can go to this website Rich Mullins The Movie to find out more.

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