Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Global Awareness...Wow!

In the last 24-hours at least one person from each of these countries, United Kingdom, Malaysia, Thailand, Canada, Taiwan and Ukraine have stopped by this blog. Every day that I see any country outside the U.S. listed, I am humbled and amazed that my desire to proclaim God's love, His faithfulness and His mercy is carried to places I will never people I may never meet! Wow!

Leonard Sweet wrote in Summoned to Lead: "We can no longer hide behind the excuse that only the gifted or the privileged can change the course of history. We live in a time when we are not bound by position or geography or circumstance. If you hear the summons- if you know your cause- nothing can stand in the way."

Now, I'm not trying to arrogantly propose that I can somehow change the course of history...but I know the One who can! And if Him filling my heart to overflowing so that I have no choice but to proclaim Him and His Love to the world through this blog is just one tool that He will use to change a life half-way across the world...then I humbly submit: "Yes Lord! Use me, my ups and downs, my failings and victories. Use my life to shine Your Love out to a lost and dying world!"

And one more thing: If you are a person that happened along this way (no matter where you live!) and we've never met. I would absolutely love to hear your story. If you are a Jesus follower and you have a story you have just got to share because you are full to overflowing...I would be honored to hear it. And if you "stumbled" this way because you "just did" friend, you coming this way was no accident. There is a God who loves you beyond any love you could ever know and I would be thrilled to introduce you to Him!

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