Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I've Got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy Down in My Heart...

If you grew up in a typical evangelical American church like I did, you just read that title and couldn't help yourself from thinking..."Where?"

Yes, it was a catchy tune I sang growing up, but wow! Today...I really do have it deep down in my heart.

I finished (or finished again) Beth Moore's week of studying "Joy" in the Living Beyond Yourself series. Did you know that one of the major catalysts for joy in the Bible is fellow believers? So God really did know what He was doing when He showed us we should live in community with each other, didn't He?

Moore takes each day to go through 5 different catalysts for joy. There are many more, but these are the dominate themes of joy she found throughout Scripture.
  1. The joy of our salvation- If pondering on just exactly what Jesus did to accomplish our forever forgiveness and potential for dwelling in Him and with Him forever doesn't bring you joy...nothing else will. (My words, not Beth Moore's!)
  2. The joy of discovery- Ever found a treasure in a hidden place? The closer I want to get to God, the more unexplainable He becomes. He is a constant discovery of emotional, mental and spiritual wealth...a real hidden treasure!
  3. The joy of restoration- Ever gone through an overwhelming trial or situation when the only thing that got you through was complete dependence upon God? You just knew that you were being sifted or refined and when you started coming out on the other side (because He alone brought you through!) you discovered overwhelming joy instead? Then you know what I'm talking about.
  4. The joy of abiding- This is the one I blogged about yesterday (see I Think I'm Being Taught a New Lesson)
  5. The joy of fellowship- Let's get into a little...shall we?
Here's some verses for reference:  Romans 15:30-32 Romans 16:19 2 Corinthians 7:4 Philippians 1:25-26 and there are so many more I could share from 1 Thessalonians, 2 Timothy and even the little book of Philemon

But perhaps the one that best sums up what I'm thinking and feeling is this: Hebrews 10:24-25

The NASB says it this way: "and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near."

I know this doesn't mention joy directly, but it is a prescription that you must consider vital to follow if you want some joy in your life! I believe I've posted on here before how when we found out Dale was losing his job and I knew (as discerned from the comforting Holy Spirit) that this was going to be a rough and long road ahead, I made a conscience decision to not isolate our family from others. I was refusing to wallow! I had "circled the wagons" in times of crisis before and I felt like that made it more difficult and took longer to get through the grieving process. And there was grieving that needed to be done. It was a death in essence...a death of a particular way of life.

But what we found was that as people couldn't find an explanation, a rational reason for why we were going through what we were, we found ourselves isolated anyway. So despite our intentions, we found ourselves wallowing. Praise God! He didn't let us stay there forever!

He gave us an awesome couple as neighbors that continued to be an active part of our lives. God cultivated new friendships, "forged in the fire" so to speak...people experiencing their own difficult trials that could not just commiserate but could comfort and encourage us too. He was also redeeming and renewing old friendships. And if that weren't enough, He opened our eyes and our lives to relationships we would have never pursued before because they were "just too messy". But if someone can put up with my mess...I can surely put up with theirs, right?

At the same time God was changing the appearance of our lives as far as physical dwelling, finances, etc., He was transforming our relationships too. Deep joy is found in weathering life's storms together.

I am convinced and personal history bears testimony to the fact that satan can do some of his best work when I isolate myself. That's when consuming doubts, fears and worry assail me most effectively. But when I turn outside of myself, focus on others, enjoy being in their presence...even when the thought of inviting someone over and entertaining them is almost more than I can bear...I do find deep joy.

And amazingly enough, I have experienced what Paul is talking about in Romans 16:19a: "For the report of your obedience has reached to all; therefore I am rejoicing over you..." The situation that comes to mind happened a few months ago.

During my morning prayer time, I was reflecting on all the growth I have seen in my neighbor, Cat's life since I first began to know her. I was thinking of one situation after another where God has grown her by leaps and bounds. The night before she'd even spoken of praying for someone that in the past she would not have considered doing. Holy Spirit just kept collecting these memories in my mind.  I wept as He spoke to my heart like the bragging Abba that He is and said, "Have you seen my daughter, Cat? Look at how she's grown." I had the blessed opportunity to tell her later that her Daddy had bragging on her that morning!

Do you need some joy, joy, joy, joy down in your heart? Then no matter the cost, no matter the inconvenience, no matter the embarrassment, discomfort, pain, or "mess" get out (of your home) and get into relationship with other Jesus followers. If you can't get out of your home then invite them in! And even if you think there's a relationship that's too far gone to be redeemed...I am living testimony that God can heal, will heal, shoot...delights in healing broken relationships and making them even better than they were before.

And when He does, what will you have? That's in your heart!

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