Tuesday, May 14, 2013

You'll Know It All!

This morning I started a juice fast/reboot. I have someone that I have buddied up with, but I won't reveal whom so as not to put them on the spot. But I feel compelled to share this experience with a broader audience. I have a few reasons...one, that a little more accountability can't hurt. I know this isn't true accountability because it's one sided.

I confess that I have done several juice fasts before, the longest lasting almost a week. But I have always felt like I have failed because I go right back to my old (bad) ways of eating. So this time, I thought that maybe if I took a few of you along for the ride, I would be inspired to make permanent changes. Here's hoping!

I plan to Tweet this experience. You can follow me by clicking on the Twitter link on the upper left. I'll be nothing, if not honest and just maybe you'll get some inspiration for change too.

The photo above was my breakfast this morning. It was grapefruit, orange, apple, carrot, sweet potato and it was delicious. As I type this, I'm drinking my lunch of kale, apple, cucumber, carrot juice. It's pretty good too.

Juicing is not just for weight loss either. Thousands of people have found health and healing for chronic and debilitating illnesses through juicing. If you'd like more information about juicing, the documentary Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead is a great place to start. They also have a Facebook page and website with lots of recipes and advice, plus supervised reboots. You'll find it at www.rebootwithjoe.com Other internet websites with juicing recipes and info abound.

Stay tuned...I plan to update often.

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