Friday, June 21, 2013

Berry Pickin' At Phillips' Berry Patch

Today I had the idea to research blueberry u-pick farms in our area. There really aren't very many if the online information is correct. But when I found Phillips' Berry Patch in Guilford, Indiana, (Dearborn County) and called, I discovered that she still had "a few" strawberries and the blueberries would be ready soon.

I didn't give the kids a choice about going and there were a few grumbles, but once we arrived, the girls pitched in on the picking and Noah elected to keep an eye on Jewell.

We didn't have her walking around barefoot...but we did set her in the patch for a few pictures. I don't think she knew quite what to make of it.

Abbey loves kids...and it doesn't take long for most kids to pick up on that. She made some new friends today, Addy and Ryan. They were the only other family there and it was their first time to pick. Their mom was really friendly and we chatted some. As I walked to my van a little later, I just had that "feeling" that I was probably talking to a Sister in Jesus. Not sure...but it definitely felt that way.

Then came the tasty part. I was curious to see what Jewell would do and before I could snap the second photo...

...a berry was already getting stuffed in her mouth, green top and all. 

She quickly spit it out, but it must either have been because of the size or the prickly top because she didn't hesitate to eat 10 of them for lunch when we got home. They're so juicy, I've already prepared her mama that she might have a berry-stained baby tonight.

Strawberries are normally $2 per pound, but because it was end of season (although she still had a lot) Mrs. Phillips gave them to us for $1 per pound. She also told me the blueberries will be ready in the next week or two...we'll be back, I know!

It's a success when the kids are eating fresh, locally grown strawberries all day and my 17 year summed up the experience with , "That was fun."

 9324 Yorkridge Rd, Guilford, IN 47022

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