Sunday, June 16, 2013


I found inspiration today for this post, in of all I was, rather innocently, looking up the meaning of an entirely different word when I know God planned for me to see this one...because that's just how He amazingly works. His timing is, as usual, impeccable!

The "word of the day" from is this: mishpocha \mish-PAW-khuh, or mish-POOKH-uh\ Don't stumble over the pronunciation too long, because what's most important is the meaning. "An entire family network comprising relatives by blood and marriage and sometimes including close friends; clan"

This word impacts me so significantly because our family has just returned from a place where it is being lived out on a level that most of us will only ever dream of experiencing. I'm not quite ready to write my "official post" about The Simple Way. I am still processing through so much that I can't completely verbalize it yet...but for now, it is enough to say that if you long for true mishpocha, it is possible. We can live in God's familial network, comprising of relatives by His Blood and His Marriage to the Body and close friends that are still finding their Way.

As with any family, it is not perfect...but like any healthy family should...they face those difficulties together in Love and grace. Their network extends around the globe and is always open to welcoming new friends.

Isn't that what we all long for? Then why don't we start looking to the people who are actually doing it instead of just telling us how it should be done?


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